
April 24, 2017

Today Is National Dolphin Day: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

National Dolphin Day provides the perfect opportunity for people to become more educated about these beloved marine mammals. Interestingly, this holiday has never been officially announced by any country. Despite this, National Dolphin Day is celebrated in many nations worldwide every year on April 14.

There have been numerous awareness meetings and gatherings to honor dolphins in past years. One of the main focal points of National Dolphin Day is to discourage dolphin hunts. The unofficial holiday also provides the perfect launchpad for discussing conservation methods.

Several Dolphin Species are Endangered

Perhaps one of the best usages of National Dolphin Day is calling attention to the plight of numerous endangered species. Tourists in many areas of the world have had personal encounters with dolphins via swimming with them or watching them swim around their boat. This has raised the marine mammal’s profile and made it a favorite for many people, but it has also put dolphins at risk.

Dolphin hunting, climate change, and other environmental issues can also spell disaster for these gentle creatures — gentle creatures that are well-known to help humans in danger, according to Dr. Diana Reiss, one of the foremost dolphin experts. There are many reports of dolphins warding off sharks that were attacking people, and National Dolphin Day serves as a reminder that we need to protect them in return.

National Dolphin Day
Oil spills and other environmental factors affect dolphins immensely [Image by Mario Tama/Getty Images]

Sadly, some species numbers have dwindled so much that the threat of extinction looms large. One sad statistic listed by WWF indicates that there are believed to be only 63 Maui dolphins left in the wild. These particular sea creatures live off the west coast of New Zealand’s North Island.

Maui dolphins have become critically endangered for many reasons, including boat strikes, coastal development, and marine pollution. Perhaps the biggest dangers, though, are gill nets and trawl fishing. Since 2001, there have been at least five Maui dolphins killed by net entanglement. That number may not seem like much at first, but when you consider the fact that it accounts for 8 percent of the total species population, it becomes easy to see why National Dolphin Day and other awareness events are so important.

National Dolphin Day Maui Dolphins
Maui’s dolphin; the rarest known subspecies. [Image by Oregon State University/ Flickr/ CC BY-SA 2.0]

There are a few other species that are currently known to be endangered. The Ganges River and Indus River dolphins are both on this list. They are also two of only four dolphin species that live exclusively in fresh water. There are fewer than 3,000 dolphins in the wild between them, and these numbers continue to drop rapidly. Shockingly, some of these marine creatures are still being killed for human consumption. If this continues, the Ganges River and Indus River dolphins will all be gone, regardless of National Dolphin Day conservation efforts.

A Functionally Extinct Species

The loss of any species is a tragedy, especially when human intervention could have prevented it. The baiji dolphin makes it clear that National Dolphin Day needs to step up before another species becomes classified as functionally extinct. In only 50 years, the baiji dolphin declined from a population of 6,000 to zero, according to the conservation agency, WDC. The worst part is that mankind is directly linked to their demise.

Scientists have traced the baiji dolphin’s extinction to China’s industrialization. Since the 1950s, the area where these dolphins once lived has suffered from extreme habitat degradation. Another major contributing factor was the usage of rolling hook long-lines. To put all of this into perspective, there were 6,000 baiji dolphins in 1950, but this number fell to 13 by 1997. No baiji have been spotted since 2006, which led to them being deemed functionally extinct. This makes it clear just how quickly human actions can destroy an entire species.

Using National Dolphin Day for Good

People who are appalled by the loss of the baiji dolphin and the potential extinction of the Maui, Ganges River, and Indus River dolphins can utilize National Dolphin Day to raise awareness. You can also get involved by signing petitions, contacting appropriate government officials, and informing others about the purpose of National Dolphin Day.

[Featured Image by Mark Lee/Flickr/CC BY-ND 2.0]

Animal Adventure Park Live Cam Updates: April The Giraffe Feeling ‘Out Of It’ — Going Into Labor?

April the Giraffe’s followers continue to tune into Animal Adventure Park’s live cam on YouTube as they await the pregnant giraffe’s delivery, which should occur any time now. The birth of April’s calf has long been overdue, and the park’s keepers are keeping a close eye for any changes that might occur day in and day out.

For more than two weeks since Animal Adventure Park’s Giraffe Cam went live, the park’s official Facebook account has been providing April the Giraffe’s followers updates on a daily basis. And according to AAP’s Thursday morning update, keepers said that April has been feeling “out of it” this morning. They noted the pregnant giraffe’s distracted behavior, which is a stark contrast to her usual “inquisitive” and “treat-begging” self.

Animal Adventure Park’s latest Facebook update hasn’t provided any details as to what this “distracted” behavior could mean for April’s pregnancy. No physical changes occurred as well. Just like in the last few days, April has been showing significant bulging of the belly. Her backend is reportedly slightly damp, which AAP says is nothing to write home about. Keepers also noted that light discharge is still occurring on a daily basis.

“She is ‘out of it’ were keepers comments this morning; noting distracted behavior versus her normal inquisitive, treat begging, self. Significant bulging of the belly also noted.”

“Backend slightly damp but nothing to get excited about yet. We are still observing light discharge on a daily basis.”

Is April the Giraffe’s distracted behavior a sign that she could give birth any second now? Remember, anxieties among pregnant women are common especially during the third trimester. The nature of a pregnant giraffe’s worries might differ from those of a pregnant human, but they are worries, nonetheless. On top of April’s raging pregnancy hormones, her body might be telling her that she’s about to have a baby, and that alone could lead to anxiety.

Animal Adventure Park’s morning update also came with a new photo, which shows April looking a bit “out of it,” as has been noted.

“Cool morning temperatures will delay yard time, but this afternoon we expect to do a Q&A session from the giraffe deck with Oliver.”

The aforementioned update also announced that cool morning temperatures will delay yard time. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Animal Adventure Park has been giving April the Giraffe some extended yard time, which might have contributed to his sunny behavior in the past few days. That said, it’s entirely possible that April’s “distracted” behavior might have been caused by the cold weather. Her keepers are keeping a close eye on her so it should not be any cause for worry. As usual, you can keep a close eye on April as well by streaming Animal Adventure Park’s live cam on YouTube.

Breaking News……. April the giraffe is still pregnant. Resume normal operations.

— Jayson Luber (@Denver7Traffic) April 13, 2017

AAP also announced that there will be a Q&A session at the Giraffe Deck with April the Giraffe’s partner, Oliver, who fathered the calf she’s now carrying. As per latest update, here’s your chance to ask questions you might have so don’t hesitate to post your questions in the comments section of Animal Adventure Park’s latest Facebook post.

At present, Animal Adventure Park’s live cam is still getting a lot of visitors on YouTube. The amount of traffic has slight declined in the past few days, presumably on account of the fact that some of April’s followers are starting to lose their patience. It’s hardly surprising, considering that they’ve been waiting for April to give birth for more than two weeks.

To top it off, some are even mulling over the possibility that April the Giraffe’s pregnancy is just a hoax. The park’s official Facebook admin, however, had something to say about the “fake news” claims in reference to April’s pregnancy.

“A quick biology lesson – animals do not develop milk unless supporting a pregnancy. Furthermore – giraffes do not develop large udders like cattle etc, so to see this much development truly suggests calving in the near future.”

For now, there’s nothing we can do but wait for April to finally go on labor. If you don’t feel like streaming Animal Adventure Park’s live cam (shown below), you can also subscribe to AAP’s Labor Text alert (if you haven’t already) to receive exclusive updates about April’s progress.

Do you think April the Giraffe’s behavior this morning is a clear sign that she’s going to give birth soon? Is this the day it finally happens? Stay tuned.

[Featured Image by Warren Little/Getty Images]

Animal Adventure Park Live Cam: April The Giraffe’s Calf Just Made A ‘Significant Movement’ — Is It Time?

Animal Adventure Park’s live cam continues to keep thousands of followers engaged on their screens as they await April the Giraffe’s much-anticipated delivery. The birth of April’s baby shouldn’t take long now. In fact, the latest AAP update posted on Facebook Wednesday evening has noted that April the Giraffe’s baby has made a “significant movement” early today.

This is big on account of the fact that nothing much has changed in April the Giraffe’s physical condition in the last few days. But with her baby giraffe getting antsy inside her mother’s belly, there’s no better time than now to tune into Animal Adventure Park’s live cam.

“All remains as reported earlier.”

“Big and happy. We did note significant movement from the calf today during observation times.”

“April had a few visitors (industry friends) from out of state that were shocked to see just how large she is. The camera just doesn’t capture actual size/proportions.”

“At present, April continues to keep her followers guessing, but Animal Adventure Park’s keeper, Jordan Patch, and their resident veterinarian, Dr. Tim, insists that everything is running as expected. April has been showing all the signs that she’s about ready to give birth. As per AAP’s Wednesday morning update, the pregnant giraffe’s physical condition ‘remains the same,’ her condition is still ‘on point,’ and she is being kept comfortable at all times.”

The latest AAP update also showed the page’s followers a short video of April the Giraffe being offered a carrot, which she ate with much enthusiasm (and affording Carrot Cam viewers a closer look at the giraffe’s mug!).

As is typical of all pregnant animals, April the Giraffe’s udders remain full to bursting. And speaking of udders, AAP’s keeper recently gave “hoaxers” and fake news peddlers spreading fake pregnancy stories a piece of his mind.

“A quick biology lesson – animals do not develop milk unless supporting a pregnancy. Furthermore – giraffes do not develop large udders like cattle etc, so to see this much development truly suggests calving in the near future.”

To drive home the point, Animal Adventure Park’s Wednesday morning update showed a close-up photo of April’s udders, which you can see below.

Meanwhile, April the Giraffe is still getting extended yard time, which is a good move on the part of the keepers considering the current weather. If anything, the exercise, the fresh air, and the sun might have contributed to April’s sunny behavior lately. Also, photos and videos of April basking in the open are a sight to behold. She might as well make the most of it since she will likely stay indoors once she’s given birth to her calf.

April The Giraffe Remains “Big and Happy”

— CBSDenver (@CBSDenver) April 13, 2017

On Tuesday morning, Animal Adventure Park posted a photo of April enjoying yard time. As you can see in the photo below, our favorite giraffe is clearly enjoying the outdoors. It might have improved her appetite as well, which is beneficial for the baby.

As most of those who have been tuning into Animal Adventure Park’s live cam on a daily basis, April has been having contractions for some time now, which is a sign that she is going to deliver her baby soon. Once her labor begins, she is expected to pace around the room, swish her tail excessively, and show signs of “pushing contractions.”

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, giraffes don’t usually show signs of labor, but viewers will know for a fact that it has begun once the pregnant giraffe breaks water and hooves start to appear from her hind quarters.

In light of her calf’s aforementioned “significant movement,” the birth of April the Giraffe’s calf draws ever closer.

To monitor the progress of April the Giraffe’s pregnancy in real time, you can tune into Animal Adventure Park’s live cam below.

[Featured Image by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images]

Animal Adventure Park Owner Speaks After April The Giraffe Gives Birth To Baby Boy As Millions Watch Live

Less than 24 hours after millions watched live as 15-year-old April the giraffe gives birth to a baby boy Saturday morning, the Animal Adventure Park owner, Jordan Patch, speaks about the giraffe’s successful delivery, Spectrum News reports.

Patch stated that around 9:55 a.m. on April 15, April the giraffe delivered a baby boy after a long-awaited birth. He went on to say that around 7:20 a.m., Animal Adventure Park staff began to notice the starting process of April the giraffe’s delivery, seeing a “sack hanging from the back end.”

Afterward, a zoo spokesperson made an announcement on social media, stating that April the giraffe — an African animal who had been pregnant for 16 months with her fourth calf — was in labor.

The Animal Adventure Park owner was visibly elated, also announcing April the giraffe’s labor via Facebook Live as he was en route to the zoo.

April the giraffe finally gives birth—with a few hundred thousand people watching

— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 15, 2017

The Animal Adventure Park used Facebook Live to show April the giraffe giving birth where over a million people tuned in.

Just a few hours after April the giraffe paced back and forth with her calf’s hooves and snout hanging from her back end, while inside a pen at the zoo in Harpursville, New York, she was able to successfully give birth to her male calf, who is expected to weigh 150 pounds and stand six feet tall.

“It was an absolutely perfect birthing process, it went exactly as planned,” said Patch, adding that the birth of April’s calf “was unnerving to even those of us who have witnessed animal births previously.”

“Giraffes give birth standing up, which means when the calf is ready to be born, it exits its mother hooves first from six feet off the floor, making for a very exciting event.”

Just 45 minutes after the calf was born, he was able to take his first step with his mother by his side, licking him as he analyzed his surroundings.

The calf’s father, Oliver — a 5-year-old giraffe — was looking on from an adjacent pen.

April the giraffe made headlines after staff at the Animal Adventure Park began live streaming April’s pregnancy via YouTube in February, but the videos were taken down after being flagged for “nudity and sexual content.”

Zoo officials went live on Facebook, where hundreds of people watched, saying, “Unfortunately, with that viral spread that we’ve gained — that popularity — this is a perfect example of why we cannot have nice things.”

“For the millions of you that have been tuning in to take witness of this educational experience of a live giraffe birth, there’s a handful of extremists and animal rights activist that may not agree with us… that have unfortunately reported our YouTube cam as sexually explicit or nude content.”

The live giraffe cam YouTube video of April garnered over 20 million views.

“What [removing the live stream] has done is pulled an educational tool away from tens of millions of individuals,” zoo officials said on Facebook Live. “By bringing awareness, we can bring appreciation and eventually conservation to giraffes in the wild.”

If you are driving this weekend, these are the only longnecks you should enjoy! Congratulations #AprilTheGiraffe

— Gilbert Police Dept. (@GilbertPolice) April 15, 2017

YouTube later confirmed that they restored April the giraffe’s videos and her fan based continued to grow, reaching millions of people worldwide.

April the giraffe’s GoFundMe page was created after gaining millions of fans. The zoo made a set goal of $50,000 but after April and Oliver welcomed their new calf, they’ve amassed over $130,000 in donations.

The money will be used to care for the animals.

Updated photos and videos of April the giraffe and her new calf are being shared on Animal Adventure Park’s Facebook page.

In a recent Facebook post, the zoo shared a photo of April and her calf with a caption that stated, “All is well.”

Now that April the giraffe has given birth, the Animal Adventure Park is holding a social media contest to help name the calf.

[Featured Image by Animal Adventure Park/Facebook]

Why The Easter Bunny Should Remain A Story, Not An Impulse Pet

Bunnies become the most popular pets every time Easter comes. But animal activists are urging people to abandon the idea of getting an Easter bunny for the holiday, and stick to a stuffed or chocolate rabbit instead.

#HAPPYEASTER! We found our resident Easter bunny Clare abandoned in our neighborhood:

— Dallas Zoo (@DallasZoo) March 27, 2016

As Easter is just around the corner, the demand for rabbit sale has skyrocketed in recent days. While you may think it’s a great idea to buy an Easter bunny for your family members as a gift for the holiday, animal activists think you’re committing a terrible mistake.

Caroline Charland, chief of a rescue group called The Bunny Bunch, says Easter is “a terrible time of year” for every rabbit out there for sale.

While some cities in the U.S., including New York and Los Angeles, have already banned the sale of Easter bunnies in pet stores, rabbits still remain an impulsive pet choice every time Easter comes.

Speaking to the New York Daily News, Charland insists that rabbit sales around Easter is “still a massive issue.”

Animal activists say about 80 per cent of rabbits bought as pets around Easter face one of two terrible fates. No matter how sweet a family is to an Easter bunny, death is one of the two grim fates for an Easter rabbit.

Just a reminder, it’s a commitment to adopt an animal. Please consider carefully before bringing home a rabbit or chick for Easter.

— (@OhPetSanctuary) April 12, 2017

The other fate is being thrown away when the kids are done playing with the Easter bunny. In fact, many Americans bypass pet shops to get an Easter bunny for Easter, as there are a number of websites offering to sell a rabbit.

Buying an Easter bunny straight from breeders at rabbit mills is another popular way of getting bunny for Easter in the cities where the sale of rabbits in pet shops is banned.

But these alternative means of getting an Easter bunny are no less cruel. Even if you’re planning to treat the rabbit you bought for Easter like it’s your own child, animal activists warn that those living furballs are taken away from their mothers too early, which is why many of them don’t survive.

But bunny mills that breed rabbits cash in big time for Easter. Speaking to the New York Daily News, Sandra DeFeo, executive director of the Humane Society of New York, calls every rabbit “a sensitive species that requires a real commitment.”

DeFeo argues that when people think every Easter bunny is “cute,” “cuddly,” and “wonderful,” they fail to realize that those bunnies grow “very quickly.”

Even if a rabbit is not thrown away from the house when it grows up, it still requires tender and careful treatment from its owners throughout its life. And a healthy Easter bunny normally lives from eight to 12 years.

“They’re not an impulse buy.”

Why Buying Your Child a Rabbit for Easter Is a Bad Idea

— Home Alone (@HomeAlone4Pet) April 10, 2017

While wowing the little ones with a living Easter bunny seems like a good idea, there’s a high risk that the rabbit won’t survive until next Easter. That’s because once the Easter bunny grows bigger, children tend to neglect it.

And that’s just wrong, as bunnies “deserve the same consideration, level of care, and opportunity for longevity” as every pet cat and dog has, as noted by a New York-based group All About Rabbits Rescue.

Interestingly, a rabbit is the third most popular pet in the U.S. after cats and dogs, according to the Humane Society of the United States. But at the same time, every Easter bunny risks being abandoned after Easter, as rabbits are the third most abandoned pets in America.

In fact, a cartoon bunny named Snowball, who was voiced by actor Kevin Hart in 2016’s The Secret wildlife of Pets, gets abandoned – and this is based on fact.

That’s why it’s a good idea to stick to chocolate or stuffed bunnies for Easter instead of the living furballs.

Remember… #easter #holiday #rabbit #cute #pet #bunny #animals

— Kaylin Watchorn (@KaylinArtist) April 10, 2017

[Featured Image by Poprotskiy Alexey/Shutterstock]