
June 16, 2015

Keep a father’s identity secret, Is it good?


At Carolyn: My mother said she did not tell me who is my father, and the secret of the grave with his will. There is always a reason not to say to someone who is your father?

If you are unsure of herself.

If he committed these heinous crimes he fears it could change the way you see yourself.

If it was and is still married to her sister, cousin, best friend.

If you reveal your name reveal something embarrassing for his choice or the circumstances of his birth in the past.

If she promised that she would take his secret identity to the grave.

If a sperm donor and she thinks there's something wrong with admitting that.

Of course there are others.

Some of them are good enough to justify secrecy? I can not say because it depends on you, your mother, and secrecy. However, this sounds like it could alleviate their (fully justified) to treat anxiety at the thought that his mother has his reasons - and that even if they are not good enough for them, they are pretty good at it domain or she does not do for you.

Even if ultimately not accept that, at least you can say to your mother directly after a serene careful reflection, to make peace with him somehow - vs. take her, awaiting her response force.

This does not guarantee the truth from suffering - not even close - but how to understand each other, that's how you and your mother can avoid losing the other as you want to try to find what you need.

Dear Carolyn: My daughter is 40 years old, never married, no children. She loves being in a relationship. But she says she does not like being around family because all are paired. We invite you to a family holiday, but now you're talking will not do it because it is one that is unique. Besides suggesting board (it has done in the past), there is nothing we can do to make her feel more included?


To suggest recommendations at this point would only isolate it, do not you think? Inclusive would treat it as simply good company, complete in itself.

You can for this purpose - you all couples - groups that are not the same tight-plus-daughter going to the store, peer-most-beautiful-girl go for a walk, etc. Instead, a double A husband, wife and daughter-Double B go for a walk. Scholarships vs. co

By Carolyn Hax

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