
October 24, 2016

Agony of teacup puppies: £4k micro dogs born with defects and frail bones that can break at a touch

Demand for trendy teacup puppies is expected to soar this Christmas – but being cute comes at a heartbreaking price for these little dogs.

Experts say the designer pets are prone to serious health problems, including breathing difficulties and bones so fragile they can break with a single touch.

Some of the animals, which cost up to £4,000 each, come from filthy puppy farms which use questionable practices such as breeding from the smallest dogs in a litter.

Other unscrupulous traders remove the puppies from their mothers at too young an age, meaning they miss out on vital antibodies from their mother’s milk.

Vets are dealing with extremely rare conditions in certain breeds, including the blood disease hypoglycemia and potentially fatal fluid on the brain.

French bulldog pup offered on Facebook

RSPCA dog welfare expert Lisa ­Richards said: “We are really concerned that many dogs, like teacup dogs, are being selectively bred to look a certain way.

“This often results in them having ­exaggerated physical features such as extremely small body size.

“There is no recognised definition for teacup but the name is used by many breeders to sell extremely small puppies which are bred to be so small because they are considered cute – and therefore much more attractive to many potential buyers.

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“Selectively breeding to exaggerate certain physical features, such as creating really tiny dogs, can cause serious health and welfare problems.”

The main teacup breeds for sale are chihuahuas, maltese, pomeranian, poodles and Yorkshire terriers.

They are vulnerable to stress fractures because the bones of their front limbs are so fine. Even minimal trauma, such as jumping, can cause painful breaks.

Dislocated kneecaps are also common in toy breeds and some pups get so badly injured they have to be put down.

Facebook Another teacup puppy advertised for sale via the the Puppy Stores
Fragile chihuahua pictured in a teacup

Dogs bred to be extremely small can also have severe respiratory problems that limits their capacity to exercise. Ms ­Richards added: “It is very concerning to see people breeding dogs to fit in with the latest trend or fad.

“Hundreds if not thousands of dogs will be bought in the coming weeks and we urge everyone to be diligent in purchasing their puppies. Dogs are ­intelligent, sentient creatures and should not be treated as a fashion accessory.

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“More needs to be done to protect the future health of dogs and we believe all breeders should prioritise welfare.

Experts have told horror stories of seeing teacup pups with conditions they had never seen before. In one case, a chihuahua called Pip was dumped with part of her brain missing and will require treatment for the rest of her life.

RSPCA Pip the teacup puppy born with only have a brain
Pip the teacup chihuahua was born with only have a brain

Wendy Higgins, of Humane Society International, said: “Teacup pups may be tiny but their capacity to suffer is huge. In fact, miniaturisation means misery for these little dogs in what is fast becoming a worrying trend.

“No animal should ever be seen as a fashion accessory but unfortunately that’s precisely what’s happening with these micro-puppies.

She added: “It’s unnatural for dogs to be so small, so they often suffer from fragile bones and even organ failure. But also, because they tend to be treated like toys, they can be denied proper exercise and socialisation play which is essential for any animal’s mental and physical well-being.

Teacup Puppies are advertised sale via Facebook

“The fact that it’s possible to buy these dogs, or any dogs, over the internet encourages impulse buying by people ill-prepared for the animal’s needs.

“But also the proliferation of sales on social media and community sites such as Facebook and Gumtree trivialises the decision to have an animal and ­perpetuates the idea that they are little more than accessories. What you won’t see in the ads is that many of these dogs start __life on filthy intensive breeding farms and that many pups will die from deformities and illness before they ever reach the point of sale.

“If you care at all about dogs, the very worst thing you can do is buy a teacup puppy and help fuel this industry.

“Instead, go to visit your local rescue centre and open up your home and your heart to one of thousands of adorable dogs longing for a forever family.”

How to avoid unscrupulous puppy breeders:

  • Never buy a pup under eight weeks old. Insist on seeing it at least once with the mother in the place where it was born.
  • Never buy from someone who offers to deliver or meet up.
  • Check vaccination certificates and other paperwork is genuine.

When you meet the puppies:

  • Traders may try passing off another dog as mum, so check for signs of recent birth, such as enlarged mammary glands.
  • Ask to see certificates of disease screening, vaccination and microchipping records.
  • Check for signs of illness such as dull scruffy coat, runny eyes or nose, becoming tired quickly, hunching or crouching.
  • Look for a pup happy to interact with you and littermates. Spend plenty of time with the dog.
  • Visit more than once. If breeder refuses, he or she may be bogus.
  • Use the RSPCA/Animal Welfare Puppy Contract.
  • Report concerns to the RSPCA on: 0300 1234 999.
  • For more info and questions for breeder, see:

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