
October 30, 2016

Bird-brained pigeon rescued by kind-hearted family thinks it's their PET and likes to be stroked like a cat

A pigeon that was nursed back to health by a kind-hearted family after it fell out of a tree in their garden now seems to think it's one of their PETS.

The bird, named Charlie, comes when he is called, has breakfast with the family and even likes to be stroked like a dog or cat.

Tim Green, 58, discovered the injured bird with his son Lewis, 18, when they found it squawking for help in August.

Tanker driver Tim said: "I was in the garden with Lewis and we could just hear a faint sound like a tweeting or squawking.

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SWNS Charlie just after he fell out of the tree
Charlie just after he fell out of the tree

"We followed the sound and under our tree we saw this tiny pigeon. It'd obviously fallen out of the nest and hurt its wing. We picked it up and put it in a shoe box."

Mr Green's wife Rachael, 47, nursed the pigeon back to health, feeding the injured chick crumbs and water.

Incredibly, Charlie recovered after a few weeks. But instead of flying away he nested down in the family's home in Lower Broadheath, Worcstershire.

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SWNS Rachael Green and Charlie
Instead of flying away once he recovered, Charlie nested down in the family home

Mrs Green, a child minder, said: "I'm sure he will fly off one day but at the moment it's like having another pet.

"He will eat pigeon seed put out for him but still loves to be syringe fed.

"He stays out at night now but only recently as he was in a big rabbit cage in our playroom and came in on his own - he would just fly in to the playroom and walk into the kitchen at dusk.

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SWNS Injured pigeon which was nursed back to health by Worcester family now believes it
The bird eats pigeon seed but still loves to be syringe fed

"At about 8am to 8.30am he will fly to the decking outside the kitchen window for breakfast and will even come in if the window is open or I will go outside and call him and he flies onto my head.

"After he has eaten breakfast, Charlie likes to potter around the garden and enjoys taking a shower under the outside tap if it is dripping and we feed him four or five times a day.

"If he flies off into nearby trees he will come back within five minutes if I call him.

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Charlie the pigeon now answers when Rachael calls him and likes to be stroked
Charlie the pigeon now answers when Rachael calls him and likes to be stroked

"He loves to be stroked and to perch on the fire guard in the playroom especially if it's raining, he isn't scared of the dogs or rabbits.

"Other people think it's fantastic that he survived and how tame he is.

"I look after children and they will shout 'Charlie's here' if they see him."

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