
October 29, 2016

Dog attack victim whose nose was nearly torn off by pal's pet overcomes fears to become a dog groomer

Brave Kayleigh Rooney has conquered her terrors after she was savaged by a pal’s pet – and become a dog groomer.

A nine-stone Japanese akita sank its fangs into Kayleigh’s cheeks and shook her like a rag doll.

She needed 270 stitches and two years of treatment.

Yet Kayleigh’s love of dogs has beaten all her fears.

Now, ­seven years later, she has a shih tzu called Sid and has started a pooch pampering firm. Kayleigh, 22, told The Sunday People she still ­vividly ­recalls when the akita, called Chunk, ­suddenly turned on her after she knelt to pat him.

MEDAVIA Kayleigh Rooney
Kayleigh Rooney's injuries

She said: “The thing last I remember was seeing Chunk’s huge jaws attacking me and thinking there was nothing I could do to stop him.”

The force of the attack knocked her out. When she regained consciousness, the dog was biting her cheek and ­shaking her head from side to side.

She said: “I was terrified. I knew I couldn’t pull against his force or he’d rip my face off entirely. After what seemed like an eternity, he released me and I fell to the floor, blood ­gushing from my face.”

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Kayleigh was rushed to hospital to be stitched up – with her nose hanging off, her top lip chewed apart and a gaping hole in her cheek.

She said: “I felt like I’d been eaten alive. It was as if I’d stepped off a ­horror film set.”

Cruel school ­bullies ­nicknamed her The Joker from Batman because of her scarred smile. She was 17 before her ­regular hospital trips ­ended.

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But determined not to let the attack destroy her life, courageous Kayleigh, from Liverpool, studied ­animal handling.

She said: “I have the best job in the world. My proudest moment was the first day I worked with an akita. I was a little nervous but he was a gentle giant. Thankfully my scars have faded and I have moved on.”

Chunk was not put down and his owners were not ­prosecuted as the attack was on their property. Kayleigh added: “I’d never blame the dog but I hope he doesn’t lash out again.”

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