
October 29, 2016

Orphaned baby orangutan was chained in alley for YEAR and hugged himself to sleep before rescuers set him free

An orphaned baby orangutan has been rescued by Indonesian authorities after a year tethered to a wall by his neck in an squalid alleyway between two houses.

Mingky was captured by hunters last year while wandering alone in remote woodland.

Gifted to a friend of the tropical poacher who caught him, the poor primate spent a long, miserable year bound in chains, brought out only occasionally to entertain children.

The tragic orangutan was found hugging himself to sleep when animal welfare workers finally brought his ordeal to an end earlier this month.

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SWNS Mingky the orangutan being rescued in Indonesia

Panut Hadisiswoyo, from the Orangutan Information Centre in Indonesia, said: "The man who was holding Mingky captive said he wanted him to be chained in his premises as entertainment for his family.

"He'd feed him bits of fruit and sometimes rice. But it was no __life for Mingky.

"Through our intelligence network, we discovered the orangutan illegally held in a house in a rural area near Blang Pidie city, Aceh Barat Daya.

"He was chained to a wall between two houses and we estimated that he was around three years old."

SWNS Mingky the orangutan chained to the wall in Indonesia
Mingky's suffering could have gone on forever if the group hadn't found him

Following months of neglect, Mingky was "terrified" of being touched and would become aggressive when approached by animal welfare staff.

With the help of local police, the orphaned ape had to be tranquilised to remove him safely.

Although the capture of wild orangutans is illegal in Indonesia, the man holding Mingky captive was not prosecuted. As the primate was given to him as a gift, the man said he hadn't broken the law.

Mingky will be released back into the wild once he has regained his strength in the Orangutan Information Centre's sanctuary.

SWNS Mingky the orangutan being rescued in Indonesia

"The orangutan would have been suffering forever but luckily our team discovered him," said Panut.

"He is now in safe hands. Our team is a lifeline for many orangutans in Sumatra.

"It is extremely important that our team is able to continue to be in the field monitoring conflict situations and/or isolated forest patches containing orangutans, so that these smaller but still vital populations are not lost.

"There is no prosecution for the owner as the police believed that the owner received the orangutan from his friend and thus he was willing to surrender the orangutan."

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