
October 22, 2016

Top lawyer quit job to launch healthy pet food range after dog fell ill from dodgy diet

A top lawyer quit her job to launch a healthy pet food range after her dog fell ill from its dodgy diet.

Amy Fowler left her well-paid career to develop her own guilt-free dog and cat food that would stop miniature Yorkie Tilly from getting bunged up.

Amy, 33, said: “We had to take Tilly to the emergency vet as she wasn’t able to go to the loo. She’s always been fussy with her food so we gave her cat food and meals we ate ourselves.

“The vet said most pet food lacks any real nutritional value and ours was also bad as it had a high fat content.

“I felt awful and researched what was in traditional pet food. I found most of what we see in shops is made in a big vat so every tin is different.

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“Often it has only 30 per cent meat, with cereals and grains to fill the dog up and MSG, which is highly addictive. It’s like junk food. Just because they eat it, doesn’t mean it’s good for them.

“Giving them nutrition improves their health and prolongs their lives.”

Amy started feeding her dog wet food – slow-cooked chicken and veg. And she noticed an improvement straight away. Tilly stopped having stomach upsets, she’d polish off her bowl rather than pick at food and her coat and skin looked healthier.

Even friends spotted a difference in the five-year-old dog. So Amy and her boyfriend Andrew Dobby, 40, decided to set up a business.

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After researching healthy, natural meals and working with nutritionists, Tilly’s Choice was launched.

Amy, from Lymm, Cheshire, said: “Some people thought I was mad quitting work but I was miserable and seeing the change in Tilly made me feel so passionate about improving the health of other animals.”

The wet and dry range can be ordered from Tilly’s Choice Facebook page.

She said: “We are a nation of animal lovers and I’ve got friends who spoil their pets, buying them outfits, beds and toys, but feed them rubbish.

“If we want our pets to have a long and happy __life we need to take care of them on the inside too.”

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