
November 22, 2016

Adorable Miniature Pigs and Sheep Help Out in New Zealand Winery

Are these the cutest animal helpers ever or what? Kunekune pigs and babydoll sheep contribute to the upkeep of the Yealands Winery, nibbling on the weeds and providing natural fertilizer. Plus, they're too small to snack on the harvest.

According to a report from Mother Nature News, this winery in New Zealand employs little Southdown Babydoll sheep to mow the grass between the vines as well as fertilize the earth.

There are about 1,500 of this species of sheep in the entirety of the winery, which is remarkable considering it's a rare breed with a population of only a few thousand in the whole world. Southdown Babydoll sheep is an endangered species that finds a safe haven in Yealands, a place where they can breed and thrive.

The use of the adorable creatures proves to be an advantage for the environment as well, bringing down the company's use of fossil fuels and carbon emissions.

Small animals are ideal because they are unable to reach the higher areas where the grapes are located. This is also why the winery also enlisted the help of the equally cute Kunekune pigs, a miniature set that's also too small to feed on the produce.

Like the sheep, these pigs also keep the grass trimmed and the weeds controlled. The Kunekune pigs also play an important role in the company's corporate waste reduction program as the beneficiary of all the food waste.

Aside from the little pigs and sheep, there are also more than 120 rescued battery hens roaming the extensive property. They coast freely throughout the Yealands Winery, eating bugs and laying eggs.

Founder and owner Peter Yealands envisioned a winery that's sustainable and environmentally friendly. According to a report from M2Woman, Yealands Winery is the only winery to be completely carbon zero accredited since its first day of operations. Recently, they installed solar power to power 33 percent of the winery.

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