
November 5, 2016

Cops Recover Stolen Dog In Home Burglary: Facebook Group Helps Find Missing Dog Listed For Sale

In this week’s dog news, savvy police officers help recover a stolen dog from a home burglary. In another story, a missing dog is found, thanks to a Facebook group.

Recently, according to the Fort Worth, Texas Police Department, suspects broke into the home of the Templeton family and stole electronics, jewelry, and even the family’s dog, Petey. According to Officer Daniel Segura, the department’s public information representative, the detectives left no stone unturned while searching for the alleged stolen items and family pet.

Segura spoke to local media stations about the home burglary. He said investigators were focused on patterns or any information from the public to help recover the property. Thanks to some old-fashioned detective work, police were able to solve the case, citing an ABC News report.

“The officers went to a pawn shop, and they found a few items that belonged to the family that had been pawned. So they followed up on their leads to see who pawned it and got a search warrant and went to the house, and when they went to the house, as soon as the occupants opened up the door, they saw the rest of the stolen items inside the house, and the dog was inside the house, too. That’s how they were able to catch the suspects.”

Detectives hatched a plan to surprise the family. They contacted them under the guise of needing more information to help them with the investigation.

Dog taken in Burglary Returned to Owners – Officers to be recognized at City Hall tomorrow, 6/28!#petey #dogs

— Fort Worth Police (@fortworthpd) June 27, 2016

Although the Templeton family was happy to have their property returned, the largest prize was their cherished canine, a four-month-old Border Collie-Blue Heeler mix. Julia Templeton described the priceless moment they received the good news.

“They surprised us at my daughter’s 10th birthday party. We had no idea. They called and asked where we were, and they showed up. I couldn’t believe it. I really thought they were just coming to show me some pictures of some of the material things that were taken. I walked out and saw his head poke out from the bar on the police car.”

The Templeton family thought that the police department and detective work were “incredible” and were pleasantly surprised by the amount of effort that they put into something that could have been a minor incident.

Recently, a woman named Mayra Emiliano was browsing Facebook and saw a picture of a Siberian husky for sale. While uncertain, she felt that the Husky looked just like her missing dog, Blue, according to Life with Dogs.

The post read, “Friendly Good with Children 8 Months Old.” Emiliano looked at the other photos on the Facebook page and the $350 dog looked just like Blue, but she still was uncertain about its identity.

Trivia: Siberian Huskies are not dog-wolf hybrids, according to VetStreet.

The post originated from a Facebook group in Elgin, which is located near Emiliano’s hometown in Aurora, Illinois. According to Emiliano, the dog in the photos looked very similar to Blue. It had similar markings and dark spots between the eyes, but the noses were markedly different in color.

Because of this difference, Emiliano concluded that this was not her dog. Two days later, the woman looked at the photo again. Blue was under the care of Emiliano’s uncle at the time he went missing, similar to one that vanished weeks earlier in Arizona — see tweet below.

#PhoenixLostFound STILL MISSING FEMALE HUSKY (23rd & NORTHERN): Roxy has been missing since…

— Phoenix Lost&Found (@Phoenix_LAF) June 14, 2016

When the dog disappeared, the uncle posted a recent photo of Blue online. From this picture, Emiliano noticed that Blue’s nose had darkened over time.

“I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is her,'” said Emiliano. Instantly, Emiliano called her fiancé to tell him the good news. “We have to go get Blue before he sells her!”

Emiliano quickly called some friends to help contact the seller, but their efforts were in vain in the beginning. However, Emiliano was relentless. She took screenshots of the seller’s original posts and paired them with the photo from her uncle. Emiliano posted each of the photos online with the line, “THAT’S MY DOG! THIS IS HER!”

Soon after that, someone living near the seller got in touch with Emiliano and gave her the address of the person that had Blue in their possession. Emiliano quickly contacted the police, who were able to communicate with the seller and retrieve the dog.

Reportedly, it was a very emotional reunion. Emiliano, accompanied by her seven-year-old daughter, went to the station for the moment they longed for after the painful separation.

“I’m not gonna lie, tears were coming down,” said Emiliano. “Blue pretty much jumped up to us. She’s pretty big, so if she stands up, she’s my height, and she’s like a big baby, so she’ll jump on you and then kind of curl her paws over your shoulders.”

Emiliano thanked everyone that helped her in the recovery, including the Elgin Police for their “dedication” and professional work. The family was over the moon to have their dog back and decided against filing criminal charges.

[Featured Image by iStock]

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