
November 1, 2016

I DIDN'T kill my mum's dog when I choked him, Lord Heseltine insists as he reveals full story

Michael Heseltine was forced to deny murdering his mum's Alsatian today after he admitted choking the pet with its own chain.

The Tory dog throttler, 83, prompted shock by telling how he choked Kim until he went “limp” after the six-year-old went “berserk”.

But he claimed his comments to posh society magazine Tatler had been misconstrued.

The grandee and former Deputy Prime Minister insisted he did not kill Kim - but did take him to be put down at the vet the next day.

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  • Tory Lord Heseltine says he STRANGLED his mum's dog with its own collar

Lord Heseltine said the "frightening” brawl happened in 1963 when his wife Anne was pregnant with their first daughter Annabel.

PA Lord Heseltine and his dog
Lord Heseltine with a different dog in the 1980s

He was looking after Kim in his two-bed Kensington flat while his mum Eileen went on a six-week cruise to South Africa.

Lord Heseltine told the Mirror: “He was gnawing at his paw as though he had got something in it, so I leaned forward to see what I could do.

"Kim then reared up at me. I rose out of my chair, so I was standing with this Alsatian on its hind legs and he was biting my wrists.

"He had a choker chain and shouted at my wife to get out of the room because she was heavily pregnant and it was a pretty frightening experience.

"An Alsatian that's gone berserk is not something you see every day.

WENN Lord and Lady Heseltine
Lord Heseltine said his wife Anne (left) was heavily pregnant at the time

"So Anne got out of the room. There was a bit of blood about the place - mine. And I managed to get hold of the choker chain and twisted it.

“After not more than a few seconds probably - it seemed longer at the time - he went limp.

“By going limp, what I mean was that he reverted back to his ordinary self. He was calm, licking, being friendly and back to normal.”

But he added: "Once you have an Alsatian turn like that you have no choice but to have the dog put down, and we talked to the vet the next day who completely agreed with that view.

"My mother, when she'd come back, would have been an elderly lady. You couldn't leave her with a dog that had this characteristic - even if I had been prepared to take the risk of my wife, heavily pregnant, being alone with him in the flat.”

Getty Lord Michael Heseltine
"I shouted at my wife to get out of the room", he said

His mother only discovered the dog was dead when she got back from her cruise weeks later.

He added: "We loved this dog. That was what was so shattering. He was a wonderful-looking dog and he was a hugely-loved pet.”

Lord Heseltine said claims he choked Kim to death were "complete rubbish”.

He blamed “sloppy journalism” for the reports, adding Tatler’s reporter "produced a story with a degree of carelessness that created a false impression”.

Tatler, which did not explicitly say Lord Heseltine killed the dog, later clarified the story on its website.

Rex William Waldergrave, Michael Heseltine, Tory Party Chairman, Margaret Thatcher, Brian Mawhinney ( behind Thatcher ) and the then Prime Minister John MajorConservative Party Conference, Blackpool, Britain - 1995
Lord Heseltine with ousted Margaret Thatcher in 1995

A spokesman for Tatler publisher Conde Nast said: "Tatler thanks Lord Heseltine for his clarification about his mother’s dog. We are updating the piece on accordingly.”

But his behaviour drew criticism from the RSPCA and comparisons to a dog-killing character in hit political drama House of Cards.

An RSPCA spokesman said: “We wouldn’t condone causing unnecessary suffering to a dog by strangling with a collar - whether the result was that dog's death or not.”

The charity said it could not investigate the incident because it happened more than three years ago.

Its spokesman added: "There is no rule that says a dog should automatically be put to sleep if it bites someone.”

Getty Alsatian with a collar
A different Alsatian with a collar, posed by a model

A spokesman for the Dogs Trust said it "urges any owners who may be concerned about their dogs’ behaviour to consult a dog behaviour expert”.

It has been illegal to cause an animal "unnecessary suffering" since 1911.

On claims he inflicted animal cruelty, Lord Heseltine said: "It's absolute rubbish.

"If you've got a dog that's gone berserk you have to get control over it, and the only thing you could have got hold of was the chain."

He said he had never taken the same action against current pets Caspar (a 16-year-old dachshund), Alfie (an 11-year-old black Labrador) or Fergus (a six-year-old terrier).

Michael Heseltine is nicknamed "Tarzan" after brandishing a House of Commons mace

But the politician, nicknamed Tarzan for brandishing a House of Commons mace in the 1970s, did have 400 squirrels killed on his estate in nine months.

He wrote in a book: "These foreign intruders may have a Walt Disney appeal in London parks, but to us they are Public Enemy Number One ... and are shot without hesitation.”

His admission came in a joint interview with his wife at the couple's lavish country home in Northamptonshire - surrounded by 1,500 acres, six ponds, an alpine trough garden, an aviary, an arboretum and a nine-ton bust of Lenin taken from a KGB HQ in Latvia.

Theresa May refused to get involved in the most important story of the day

During the same interview Lord Heseltine also "nearly squashed his dachshund Casper" with a golf buggy after a glass of wine.

His wife also ticked him off after he "tried to drag their wheezing 11-year-old black Lab, Alfie, by the scruff to have his picture taken".

Theresa May's spokeswoman refused to become embroiled in the Alsatian-strangling incident.

She said: "The PM has been focused this morning on important issues such as the economic future of our country.”

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