
November 12, 2016

Mystery of 'big cat' filmed prowling just yards from children's playground is finally SOLVED

Fears that a big cat was on the loose near a children's playground in a sleepy rural village have been put to rest.

Clear footage of what looked like either a lynx or a jaguar prowling through fields in Great Alne, Warks, sparked worries that a mystery beast was at large.

The beast, which appeared to be about 4ft in length, had a black tail and markings similar to a lynx.

It led to a flurry of speculation as to what the creature could be.

Dad-of-one Philip White, 39, who filmed the animal from his patio window, previously said: "It's a big cat in my mind, there's no doubt about it.

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  • Big cat filmed by dad prowling just yards from his family home and children's playground in sleepy village
The large cat moving in the fields behind Phillip White's house
The field behind Phillip White's house where he saw the big cat moving

"It looks like a wild cat you normally see in the zoo or a safari park.

"Either it's escaped from a private collection or just living in the wild but it was pretty scary to see.

"It looked fully grown and was walking around with confidence so its obviously used to its surroundings.

"We keep our windows and doors closed at all times now and are always careful when we take our one-year-old daugther out in the garden."
Phillip White 39, at his home where he filmed a big cat

Another villager claimed he heard a creature growling as he took his dogs for a walk on November 10.

The sighting comes as an animal, described as a large feline creature with leopard makings, was also spotted in the same area just weeks earlier at 8.20am on October 8.

The creature, which is thought to be larger than a fox, was reported by a resident to Alcester Police South Safer Neighbourhood Team.

But residents can now breathe a sigh of relief, because the creature has since been identified - as a pet Bengal cat named Hiro.

Park Lane PR / SWNS Hiro the 14-month-old Bengal cat who was mistaken for a Lynx
Hiro the 14-month-old Bengal cat who was mistaken for a Lynx
Park Lane PR / SWNS Hiro
Hiro the 14-month-old Bengal cat who was mistaken for a Lynx

The mystery was solved after Hiro's owner saw the footage and recognised her pet moggy.

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The owner told Mail Online: "I can assure everyone that there is no Big Cat stalking the fields of Great Alne - at least not this time - it is just my lovely pet cat Hiro.

"There is no question whatsoever it is him - just look at him and then factor in that he plays in the field in question all the time.

"I do have to see the funny side of things, but I want the story put to bed now before it escalates further."

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