
January 3, 2017

Dog Mauls Family Members Who Tried To Put Him In Christmas Sweater, Continues Attack Despite Being Stabbed, Tasered, And Tranquilized

A dog mauled three family members after they tried to put him in a Christmas sweater. The enraged dog would continue attacking the family despite being stabbed in the head and neck. When police arrived, the dog was still aggressive, so a taser was utilized on the pet. However, police note the taser did not stop the dog, and tranquilizer darts were deployed. Even after the tranquilizers, the dog was able to get into a room with children and police began shooting it with a beanbag gun before it was subdued.

WTSP reports that a couple from Tampa, Florida, was attacked by their pet dog, a pit bull mix named Scarface, while attempting to put the dog in a festival Christmas sweater. The incident occurred when 52-year-old Brenda Guerrero went to her backyard with a new sweater for her pet dog Scarface. The pit bull mix was playing in the backyard when Brenda approached him and began trying to put him into the festive sweater.

Dog Mauls Family After They Try to Dress It in a Christmas Sweater

A pit bull mix named Scarface attacked its own…

— Trend Style Daily (@TrendStyleDaily) January 1, 2017

Before she could cloth the dog, she was attacked. Brenda’s husband 46-year-old Ismael Guerrero saw the dog biting his wife’s arm and went to aide her. Ismael began trying to pull the dog off of his wife but was attacked himself. The dog continued to maul the pair, so the couple’s 22-year-old son Antoine Harris intervened, bringing a knife to stab the animal. Antoine reported stabbed the dog in the neck and head.

Pit bull mauling
While many dogs, including bully breeds, do not mind wearing sweaters, Brenda Guerrero was mauled by her pet dog Scarface when trying to put him into a festive sweater for the holidays. (Image by Tercer Ojo Photography/ Shutterstock)

Harris was also mauled by the dog as he attempted to free his parents but by stabbing the dog the trio was able to escape inside. The family called the police to help subdue the dog and authorities responded to the location and attempted to use a taser on the dog. According to the Daily Mail, despite hitting the dog with the taser, the animal was still too aggressive and was not subdued. As a result, tranquilizer darts were deployed.

Pit bull mauls family who tried to put him in a Christmas sweater

— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) January 1, 2017

After hitting the dog with the tranquilizers, the police report indicates that the dog was still able to somehow make its way inside where children were present. The police then used a bean bag gun to hit the now tased and tranquilized dog into submission.

“Officers responding said the dog was pretty aggressive. When they Tasered the dog, it was still pulling away and was able to release the prongs from the Taser.”

Brenda and Ismael were taken to the hospital for their injuries, but both are expected to recover. Brenda’s injuries were described by hospital staff as “serious but not life-threatening.” No word on the injuries sustained by the couple’s son Antoine Harris.

No word on if the dog is expected to be put down, but authorities have revealed the dog is now in the custody of animal control.

The Guerrero family wasn’t the only one to be attacked on Christmas by a dog. A 7-year-old Georgia boy was attacked by his neighbor’s two pit bulls on Christmas Eve leaving him with 300 stitches and only one ear. The child was playing in his grandmother’s yard when the two dogs jumped the fence and attacked the boy, dragging him over the fence.

[Featured Image by Sheryl Lynch/Shutterstock]

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