
January 3, 2017

Watch Eagle Cam Live Streaming Online: New Updates As E9 Eats, Sleeps, And Grows, Will Second Egg Hatch? [Video]

If you’re not watching the Southwest Florida live streaming eagle cam, you’re missing some exciting wildlife events and updates. The eagle cam streams 24/7 from Dick Pritchett of North Fort Myers, Florida, and follows the lives of male eagle M15 and female eagle Harriet. Harriet laid two eggs in November, one which hatched on Dec. 31, 2016, to the delight of thousands of onlookers who watched the event in live video. The new eaglet is named E9. Meanwhile, many are asking if the second egg will hatch. You can watch the eagle cam in the video player above. See below for more videos and photos of E9, M15, and Harriet.

Since E9’s Dec 31, 2016, birth, the new year has been filled with moments of Harriet and M15 taking turns covering their little eaglet, fishing at the nearby river to bring catfish for the family, and watching E9 eat and sleep. The parents have proved to be very dutiful and when M15 isn’t in the nest, he is either fishing or on an above branch called the attack, keeping a careful watch for possible predators. M15 and Harriet take turns covering and caring for E9 and it is amazing to see how parenting works in the wild. E9 gets stronger every day, but at the same time, there is a sense of loss as we can see the other egg constantly in the direct vicinity. It is unlikely the second egg is viable and will hatch.

YouTube user LadyHawk continues to monitor the Southwest Florida eagle cam live stream and captures many of the most memorable moments. You can see a full video playlist from LadyHawk featuring many of E9’s first moments below.

Those watching the live eagle cam will find many adorable moments to enjoy. E9 is a little ball of fluff and wobbles back and forth when standing up to reach Harriet and eat. Harriet dotes on E9, while the egg is receiving less attention. It appears Harriet is beginning to realize that her focus needs to be on E9. The egg needed to be rolled and incubated during its first week, and unfortunately, M15 buried the egg, shortly after Harriet delivered it. It was only three days after she delivered her second egg that she dug the first egg up and began to incubate it.

Watching M15 and Harriet bringing fish to the nest and feeding E9 might be one of the most exciting features of the live eagle cam. Watching a new eagle feed is a rare treat, and with the live stream, people can watch as E9 eats day and night. The eagle cam provides numerous opportunities and resources for learning about eagles and wildlife in general.

Though the second egg is clearly visible during the live stream, it appears less likely that it is going to hatch. There are no signs of a pip, or a crack in the shell from the inside out, and the window of opportunity for the egg to hatch is closing. Harriet still broods over the egg but is showing signs that she is losing interest as her new baby preoccupies her attention. It’s unclear what happened to the egg, or why M15 buried it soon after Harriet delivered it. It is also unknown why Harriet dug it up to incubate it, but it might simply be a case of too much maternal instinct. Also unknown is what Harriet and M15 will ultimately do with the egg. Still, many patient watchers continue to monitor the health and well-being of the second egg.

Are you watching the live eagle cam? It streams every day non-stop, and at night, the feed turns to night vision so you can still watch the nest activity in black and white. Check out the live eagle cam and leave your comments, thoughts, and opinions below.

[Featured Image by Rocky Grimes/Shutterstock]

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