
February 17, 2017

Five Live Streaming Eagle Cams You Can Watch Right Now Online [Video]

Eagle season is here and there are 10 live streaming eagle cams that you can watch online. The playlist above features some of the most popular eagle cams that are live right now. The eagle cams come from different regions and the eagles are in different stages of their nesting season. Some eagles, such as with the Southwest Florida eagle cam have eggs that have hatched and chicks that are soon to fledge. Other eagles are still in the nest building stage while others are in the process of laying eggs. You can toggle through the playlist above and click on each eagle cam to watch the live activity. While the eagle cams are up and running 24/7, the quality of each video for night viewing varies. Here are five live eagle cams that you can watch right now with a bit of information about each nest, the eagles and the cams’ operators.

1. Southwest Florida Eagle Cam

Located in North Fort Myers, Florida, the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam is operated by Dick Pritchett. He not only runs multiple cams that stream 24/7 but has a website and active chat room where bald eagle experts address questions. According to the official website, Pritchett began streaming the eagle’s nest in 2012 following a mated bald eagle couple named Ozzie and Harriet. Ozzie died and Harriet mated with another eagle named M15. Harriet and M15 raised a clutch during the 2015-2016 season. This is their second clutch. Though Harriet laid two eggs, only one hatched. The eaglet’s name is E9 and he or she hatched on Dec. 31, 2016. Countless people have tuned in to watch E9 grow over the past few months and are waiting for the day E9 takes flight.

bald eagles in a nest
Bald eagles are seen in a nest. [Image by Darren Gidney/Thinkstock]

2. Earth Conservation Corps (ECC) and the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, DC (MPDC) Eagle Cam

The ECC, MPDC eagle cam is a joint effort between Earth Conservation Corps and Washington D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department. The eagle’s nest is the longest to have been broadcasted in D.C. and is home to mom Liberty and dad Justice. There is an official website that gives the backstory on the cam as well as updates it has made over the years. This marks the ECC, MPDC’s seventh year broadcasting. Liberty and Justice are currently incubating two eggs and viewers are watching to see if there will be a third.

Bald eagles pair
A pair of bald eagles perched in a tree. [Image by Charlie Floyd/Thinkstock]

3. Dale Hollow Eagle Cam

According to the Dale Hollow Eagle Cam official site, the live cam has operated since 2014. The streaming eagle cam is a joint effort from the Friends of Dale Hollow Lake, the Dale Hollow Lake Marina Operator’s Association, Twin Lakes TV, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Mom and dad are incubating three eggs. You can see photos from the eagle cam site here. Watch the live streaming cam below. The Dale Hollow eagles are expected to hatch around Feb. 20, 2017.

4. Avon Lake Bald Eagles

The Avon Lakes Bald Eagles web cam automatically refreshes every hour. You also have the option to rewind the live stream. During the night the live cam is very dark, but it has clear visibility during daylight hours. The eagle’s nest is near Cleveland, Ohio and is located in a tree near Redwood Elementary school. The eagles’ names are Stars and Stripes. The Avon Lake Bald Eagles are still in the nest building stage and haven’t laid eggs yet.

5. Duke Farms Eagle Cam

Duke Farms is a privately owned estate that expands 2,700 acres in Hillsborough, New Jersey. In 2005, the owners of Duke Farms spotted the eagle’s nest on the undeveloped property. In 2008, they set up the eagle cam and had planned to regularly stream the eagles. Unfortunately, the original bald eagles’ nest, cam and even the tree where the cam was established were destroyed during Hurricane Sandy. In 2012, the eagles built a new nest and (the father eagle is banded by the state of New Jersey, so they are certain it is the same bonded eagle pair), by 2013, a new cam was set up and live streaming resumed. There is a Facebook group called Friends of Duke Farm where people discuss activity they’ve witnessed through the bald eagle cam. You can also find more information at the official website: Duke Farms Eagle Cam.

[Featured Image by Striking Photography/Shutterstock]

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