
February 26, 2017

Giraffe Watch Update: Latest News For April The Pregnant Giraffe [Video]

If you’re one of the millions waiting for April the giraffe to have her baby calf you aren’t alone. When the Inquisitr first reported on April the giraffe, the date was Feb. 14, 2017, and we were told the birth was imminent and giraffe watch was underway. Just like a human birth, when waiting weeks for a baby to be born, anxiety and tension run high. Some people have put their daily hobbies and free time on hold to watch April the giraffe give birth, only to find they wake up the next morning and she is still pregnant. Comments on social media show a sense of impatience beginning to develop with some questioning why millions are waiting more than a week for a giraffe calf to be born.

Me waiting for April the giraffe to have her baby. #AprilTheGiraffe #giraffewatch

— Kelly G (@kgsmalls_) February 24, 2017

These things take their own time and for those who are feeling frustrated now, there’s no doubt that once active labor begins and hooves are seen, millions are going to flood Facebook and YouTube for the chance to witness the miracle of birth streaming live online. Until then, the Animal Adventure Park (AAP) is providing regular updates on April’s condition through their official Facebook page. You can watch April the giraffe live streaming online in the video player above. If the live feed goes down because AAP loses signal, don’t worry. It will be updated and live streaming will resume.

Giraffe Kisses

— Land of cuteness (@landpsychology) February 24, 2017


As of Feb. 26, 2017, April the giraffe is still pregnant and millions are still watching the birth. The Animal Adventure Park relesed another status update. You may read the latest update below.

AAP is providing daily and nightly updates through their Facebook page. According to the latest giraffe update, April is doing well. Those who watch the live video online often notice the baby moving within her belly. This is a good sign the calf is healthy and active. Here is the current update for Feb. 25, 2017, as posted by the Animal Adventure Park on their Facebook page.

“2/25 Morning Update”

“#GiraffeWatch2017 continues”

“Keepers have reported the continued shedding of the wax caps on April’s teats, increased belly movement, and a bit reluctant to go into the giraffe yard.”

“Looks to be another warmer day so they will have the option of yard usage if they desire.”

“We did welcome twin Black Belly Barbado Lambs this morning about 7:45 am EST. Well, April, you’re next!”

“Please remain vigilant of fake youtube pages of our video content requesting donations. There are also fake gofundme accounts requesting your support and also baby names. We have reported the fraudulent pages, as should you.”

“We will continue to keep you posted with any change in condition.”

Undoubtedly, there is a certain psychology behind humans and their fascination with animals giving birth. Witnessing the miracles of __life is one of the most amazing aspects of the human existence and giraffe births aren’t common. The Animal Adventure Park describes themselves as an educational and learning facility that helps to create awareness of the threatened species. Since April the giraffe’s calf watch has gone viral, the park garnered tremendous support, both socially and financially. Still, some find the park controversial. Last week, animal rights activists attempted to have the live stream shut down by falsely flagging it for nudity and sexually inappropriate content. It’s possible; however, that some flags were related to various comments in the chat room. As April’s story went viral, Internet trolls took to the YouTube chatroom and violated many of YouTube’s terms of services. There are many children who are watching April the giraffe who did not need to be exposed to the lewd comments posted in the chat.

In response to the negative behavior, Animal Adventure Park shut down the YouTube chat portion and all comments on the video, April the giraffe and giraffe watch in general, are now held on the official Facebook page.

Are you anxiously waiting for April to go into labor? Are you part of the giraffe watch 2017 viewing crew? Stay tuned as we’ll bring you the latest news and evening update once it’s posted.

He can't sleep without his giraffe.

— Land of cuteness (@landpsychology) February 23, 2017

[Featured Image by Romrodphoto/Shutterstock]

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