
March 29, 2017

Animal Adventure Park Live Cam: April The Giraffe Calming Down Before The Storm

Animal Adventure Park’s latest update has revealed that April the Giraffe’s pregnancy “continues to progress” following some significant milestones and a few minor setbacks, as previously reported by

It looks like everything’s going as planned as April continues to show signs that her calf’s delivery is almost underway. In Animal Adventure Park’s latest live cam update, the veterinarian reveals that April’s right udders have stopped producing milk after they got filled up the day before. At present, the pregnant giraffe’s back end continues to swell. Everything seems normal, but as always, April continues to keep everyone guessing.

The latest Animal Adventure Park Facebook morning update also came with a photo of “inquisitive April and bold Oliver.”

Keepers reveal that April’s baby “had settled down compared to yesterday’s continued judo chop marathon,” a reference to the kicking reported on Friday. The Facebook post added that April’s appetite remains consistent as well.

“April continues to progress but in true April fashion, her upper right teat did not produce milk (It did yesterday) upon veterinary review.

“She keeps us guessing – she keeps in growing!!

“All else is well and snow appears to have cleared. Tomorrow- keepers will review he yard to deem safe or not – and outdoor activity will begin again.

“This photo was snapped by Dr Tim during his visit. Inquisitive April & bold Oliver.”

April the Giraffe and Oliver, the father of her unborn calf, have also enjoyed their enrichment puzzle feeders. Some online viewers of the Giraffe Cam were concerned that the feeders might be causing undue stress to both giraffes, but keepers provided the assurance that the enrichment toys are doing just as they had hoped, which is to “stimulate the giraffes’ minds and bodies, encouraging them to work for their rewards,” as per Animal Adventure Park’s Facebook update.

The Animal Adventure Park live cam malfunctioned early Friday evening, causing panic to many April the Giraffe fans. The park apologized for the technical difficulties, explaining that while they “cannot control all factors,” they remain committed to fixing things within their control as soon as they’re able.

The amount of viewers tuning into the Giraffe Cam has drastically increased since last week, around the time when April’s stomach dropped. At any given time, the amount of viewers glued to Animal Adventure Park’s live feed is at around 60,000 or more.

April the Giraffe was expected to go in labor weeks ago, so at present, her delivery is long overdue. Keepers say that her calf is expected to weigh 150 pounds and stand six feet tall. The calf will be April’s fourth and Oliver’s first.

Compared to other animals, however, pregnant giraffes rarely show signs that they’re about to give birth. In most cases, the only way to find out if a giraffe is going into labor is when hooves start to appear.

“Imagine a swan dive. That’s how the baby comes out. We’re going to see those front hooves, then we’re going to see those knees, and with the knees comes the snout, the face, the head, the neck, neck, neck, neck, shoulders. Then gravity takes over,” Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch said. “It’s quite a magic trick.”

The park has been taking to Facebook to keep followers updated with April’s progress since the giraffe became an internet sensation.

My cat has been watching #AprilTheGiraffe for hours now. I am hoping she will tell me if the baby comes. 🙂

— Missy (@MissyAngelTx) March 17, 2017

In another post published on Saturday, Animal Adventure Park uploaded another behind-the-scenes video, this time showing Dr. Tim (the veterinarian) during one of his visits to April the Giraffe. The footage was captured by Toys ‘R’ Us.

Animal Adventure Park, in partnership with Toys ‘R’ Us, has pledged to donate $25,000 to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation to raise awareness about the declining population of giraffes around the world,” Fox 13 reports.

To keep up with April the Giraffe’s daily activities, you can tune in to the Animal Adventure Park live cam below.

[Featured Image by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images]

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