
March 18, 2017

April The Giraffe Labor Updates And Animal Adventure Park Latest, Watch Live Cam

April the giraffe is still pregnant and people are following the latest updates as they wait for her to enter active labor. The live cam streams from the Animal Adventure Park (AAP) in Harpursville, New York. A 15-year-old Reticulated giraffe, April has enthralled countless viewers who watch the live giraffe cam showcasing the park’s giraffe barn. More than 200 animals live at the park and many babies have been born, including a wallaby. None of those births can compare to the attention April the giraffe has garnered. All eyes are on April as they wait for her active labor to begin and the newest member of the Animal Adventure Park makes his or her debut. You can watch the live giraffe cam in the video player below.

Watch April the Giraffe Live Cam

Though some people have expressed frustration that April the giraffe’s labor is taking to long, rest assured, it won’t be much longer before a baby calf is born. The live cam began streaming in January and became a viral, media sensation in the middle of February. The baby calf was expected by the end of February, but the Animal Adventure Park never stated an exact due date. Now that it is nearing the end of March and we’ll soon welcome spring, some are asking if April will have an April Fool’s baby. Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch explained that April’s due date was never actually a due date, but a birthing window.

Patch states that he and the Animal Adventure Park staff first observed April and her 5-year-old mate Oliver “Ollie” mating in October 2015. Female giraffes are very fertile and ovulate twice per month or approximately every 14-17 days. Their high fertility makes it difficult to determine an exact due date. There is no way to know for sure if April and Oliver mated and conceived in October, November or December. Because of this, many people have become frustrated while waiting for April the giraffe to go into active labor and deliver a healthy and happy calf.

April The Giraffe Due Date Is Delayed, Watch Live Cam [Video] via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 4, 2017

#Inquisitr Still Waiting For April The Giraffe To Have Her Baby Calf Youre Not Alone

— ArtsMusicMovies (@ArtsMusicMovies) March 18, 2017

The Animal Adventure Park is an interactive, educational zoo that offers hands-on opportunities for visitors. They also interact with their fans through Facebook and YouTube. The live cam streams from the AAP giraffe ban on YouTube and you can watch the video 24/7. When time allows, they hold special YouTube chat sessions where they answer questions about April the giraffe, her calf, her soon-to-come active labor and the park in general. One interesting session was held live on Facebook. April’s fans submitted questions on the page and then Patch held a live Q&A session where he addressed many of the questions posted. In addition to the Facebook and YouTube live videos, the Animal Adventure Park provides morning and evening updates that notify the public of April’s current condition and labor progress.

Animal Adventure Park Taking Questions For Facebook Q&A, Watch Live Giraffe Cam

— Inquisitr News (@theinquisitr) March 16, 2017

The easiest way to stay updated on April’s condition and labor is to follow the morning and evening updates shared on Facebook. As it is nearly impossible to determine an exact due date, it is important to monitor April’s condition for any physical changes or changes in mood or behavior. There are certain physiological changes April must undergo before active labor begins and she’s been meeting milestone after milestone. Active labor is defined as when a giraffe’s calf’s hooves are seen. Unlike human babies that are born head first, giraffes are born with their hooves first, then their head and neck descend. They literally plop on the floor and drop about six feet to the ground. The sudden, violent impact breaks the bag of water and ensures the baby is breathing on his or her own.

April The Giraffe Changes To Expect Before Active Labor And Calf Hooves Are Seen

— Inquisitr News (@theinquisitr) March 15, 2017

There are many physical changes April must experience including having enlarged udders filled with milk, a large and growing stomach, noticeable kicks from the baby, changes to the vulva area and the baby shifting in position so that he or she can enter the birth canal and be born. The knowledge that this process will occur live has caused a social media frenzy. Hundreds of thousands of people watch the live cam simultaneously and compare April’s physical condition to detect changes. On March 18, 2017, in the latest update on April’s labor progress, it was announced her stomach is shifting and the baby is getting into position. Are you excited to watch April deliver her calf live online? The live giraffe cam is the first time viewers have been able to watch the subtle changes that take months to achieve before a giraffe cam is born.

April The Giraffe Labor Updates: Birthing Positions For Calf, Watch Live Cam – The Inquisitr

— Science Daily (@ScienceDaily1) March 16, 2017

April the Giraffe Evening Update March 18, 2017

April the giraffe is still pregnant but her stomach continues to grow larger. While it appears she has dropped a bit, it is now higher. This is most likely the result of the baby shifting positions while getting ready for birth. The swelling in April’s vulva has nearly doubled and all signs point to active labor beginning soon. Here is the full evening post along with a quote. The Animal Adventure Park also included pictures of April’s growing belly.

“3/18 Evening Update

High and Tight.

Both Dr Tim and park owner Jordan, stopped in this afternoon to check in – which lead many to believe “something was happening”! April continues to be in great condition. Many noticed her belly was very low and egg shaped this morning; however, as the day moved on, observation was of a higher and tighter/firmer carry and feel to the belly.
Back end swell is almost double what it was days ago. These are all steps in the right direction.

This evenings photos are of that massive baby bump and the udder. We will try to give you visual updates on and off, so you too can see what the keepers see.”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 18, 2017

On Saturday morning, March 18, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park shared exciting news about April the giraffe. They announced that April’s calf was kicking so hard she was doing “cartwheels.” This is wonderful news because giraffe calf movement is first detected two weeks prior to active labor. Additionally, the update stated that April’s belly has noticeably dropped. This is a huge update and the final piece missing in April’s early labor. In order for April to go into active labor, the giraffe calf must drop and descend into the birth canal. Now that her belly is dropping, we can be sure that it won’t be much longer before active labor begins. Here is the March 18, 2017, morning update along with a quote. You’ll also notice that the morning update includes a beautiful photo of April resting her head on her belly as if comforting her calf.

“3/18. Morning Update”

“Keepers report continued giraffe calf cartwheels inside mom’s belly! Appetite is strong, but notice minimal “hay showers” this morning. Perhaps her mind is elsewhere.”

“Belly has noticeably dropped further, keepers report almost a…get ready for it… egg shape to her now.”

“Any of you watching this early morning witnessed some beautiful moments between mom and her belly. As it shows in photo, April napped with her extended back head onto her belly.”

April the Giraffe Evening Update March 17

On March 17, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park shared the latest update for April. The calf had made so much movement within the womb it was stated the calf had “mastered karate.” They did not predict the baby would be born on Saint Patrick’s Day, but the staff is certain April is at the end of her pregnancy and active labor is near. You may see the full update for March 17, 2017, along with a quote below.

“Allysa reports the calf has mastered karate! She has never felt or seen more activity within. April is also eating everything in sight. Likely no St. Patrick’s calf; but she is prepping for something!”

Enjoy your weekend; I would suggest watching – as we just don’t know what is next!


April the Giraffe Morning Update March 17

On march March 17, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park included a nice photo of April and Oliver from a sunny day The update included a note that the staff had been in meetings. Though April’s condition had not seen much change, she could still go into active labor at any point. You may read the morning update below.

“April continues to do great. No concerns on our end – and we are anxious to see what the weekend brings! Perhaps a St Patrick’s Day baby?”

April the Giraffe Evening Update March 16, 207

Significant changes in April’s labor progression were announced on March 16, 2017, The Animal Adventure Park stated that April the giraffe experienced a swollen vulva and the baby was kicking in a strong manner. It was a scary night for all as Storm Stella made her way through New York. Here is the full evening update as posted including a quote.


“Keeper report is increased swelling in the backend and significant baby kicks from within. Vet reports all is well and no reason for concern. April is posturing quite a bit which is keeping us on our toes! We will see what the weekend brings.”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 16, 2017

On March 16, 2017, at approximately 1:45 a.m., live giraffe cam viewers were shocked to witness what they believed to be April in active labor. Unfortunately, April was readjusting her position. The Animal Adventure Park staff were ready should a birth happen, but it was a false alarm. You may read the full post below including a quote Enjoy the photo of April giving a closeup.

“3/16 Morning Update”

“What a long evening! Many of you were up with us around 1:30 am EST and the following hours, and witnessed some very interesting behavior that had us on edge. Though, this morning, all has seemed to settle. We will continue to watch and monitor throughout the day.”

April the Giraffe: Evening Update March 15, 2017

On March 15, 2017, April’s veterinarian Dr. Tim came in to give her a thorough examination. it was believed she was in active labor, but it was another false alarm. Here is the full post combined with a quote. You may watch Dr. Tim’s examination of April in the video player below. You may read the full update along with a quote and photo below.

“April has thankfully, continued to remain in current condition. Vet report today suggests we should begin watching for a shift in calf position/and belly carry from low to back. This would suggest movement into place for birthing.”

“Tomorrow will be stall cleaning, some shared space time, and another FB LIVE update (at some point) from the property to show just how much snow we have!”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 15, 2017

The Animal Adventure Park staff announced that April’s stall would be cleaned and many volunteers arrived to help. After cleaning stalls they focused on snow removal. You may read the full morning update below.

April the Giraffe Evening Update March 14, 2017

The March 14, 2017, evening update came as Storm Stella blasted New York with tremendous amounts of snow. April didn’t go into active labor and all was well. You may read a quote and the full update below.

“3/14 Evening Update

“We remain in a holding pattern. No significant change from this morning or last night, though all signs are still present – suggesting we are at the end of the pregnancy. Slight discharge, swelling, pulsing, etc. Keepers reported that baby is very active this evening. April remains in STELLAr (did you get that snowstorm joke) condition.”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 14, 2017

On March 14, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park shared significant changes were witnessed in April the giraffe. There had been changes in her vulva, belly, and discharge was present. The announcement assured many that April would soon be in active labor.

April The Giraffe Labor Updates: Discharge Seen, Watch Live Cam And Videos via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 14, 2017

Here is the full update along with a quote.

“3/14 Morning Update”

“Animal Care is up and at it early today. In addition to animal needs, storm Stella has began to unload on our area and the park will need be made accessible.”

“Behavior observed at 4/4:30 am EST did warrant a check of condition. Keeper report indicates April remains in the same condition as observed in earlier overnight checks.”

April the Giraffe Evening Update March 13, 2017

The March 13, 2017, evening update revealed the first signs of early labor. April the giraffe experienced changes in her vulva that included the presence of discharge. This is a notable sign that her body is preparing and getting ready for active labor. Read the full update along with a quote below.

“3/13 Evening Update”

“Are you on the edge of your seat?”

“Afternoon and evening keeper and vet checks continue to indicate significant changes in April. Her back end has become significantly larger and relaxed, motion and pulsing in this area has been noted, and discharge has been observed. Ladies and gentlemen – we are close. We are still not confirming active labor, but will state all physical signs are headed in the right direction.”

“The youtube feed will remain online through the process, Facebook LIVE will also provide updates. A professional crew will be onsite to document the birth also.”

April the Giraffe Mid-Day Update: Significant Changes Observed March 13, 2017

An announcement on March 13, 2017, that stated significant activity resulted in a special call to the vet. It was another false alarm and April the giraffe was not in active labor. Read a quote and announcement below.

“To curb the significant public inquiry”

“Approx 12:45 pm EST today staff began noting and documenting significant changes.”

“The vet was called and has been on site since. Another visit will be made in a few hours.”

“Staff is taking precautions, with many members remaining onsite this evening through the blizzard.”

“Rest assured, we will keep the world posted on any further developments.”

“We cannot confirm active labor at this time.”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 13, 2017

On March 13, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park shared a photo of April’s first day at the park. They discussed how the calf had strong kicks and how April’s stomach was growing larger. Read a quote and the full update below.

“3/13 Morning Update”

“We start another week without a calf! There is no question that April is looking larger than ever. Morning keeper check reports active kicking and noticeable growth/drop in belly.”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 12, 2017

The March 12, 2017, morning update included photos of the changes in April’s udders. These are necessary changes that must take place before active labor begins. Read a quote and the full update below.

“3/12 Morning Update”

“April and Oliver remain inside during our horrendous cold spell.”

“April continues to be in great condition. Today, we have posted the shot from underneath, to show you our keeper’s perspective. Wax caps are present and udder appears to possibly have more content – another few days of comparative photo will confirm changes.”

“Giraffes do not ‘bag out’ like cows, goats, pigs, or other animals in lactation. It is a very subtle fill and development.”

“Significant baby/belly movement this early morning (3-4am) and again around 7 am.”

April the Giraffe Morning Update March 11, 2017

The March 11, 2017, morning update included a photo of Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch feeding April and her mate Oliver You may read the full update below along with a quote.

“3/11 Morning Update”

“Brrrrrrrrrr! Single digits have settled in our area, but the giraffe barn remains a warm retreat for the giraffes and our keepers!”

“To combat the extended stay indoors, enrichment does increase for our animals – and this week we will begin to move some of that enrichment into view of the web cam so you can see just how much (or little) interest our giraffes have in their toys!”

“April continues to do great, Keepers noted no significant changes this morning in physical appearance. We are watching the udder closely, as we wait for milk to fill the area. When our keepers bend down to look underneath, they snap a photo for development comparison.”

Do you watch the Animal Adventure Park live giraffe cam? Are you excited to see April’s calf born live online?

[Featured Image by Gon4/Shutterstock]

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