
March 29, 2017

April The Giraffe Labor Updates And News, Watch Animal Adventure Park Live Cam

April the giraffe will soon be in active labor, and the Animal Adventure Park continues to provide the latest updates and news regarding her condition. As of March 29, 2017, April has made all the progress needed for active labor to begin. Her teats are enlarged, she has experienced changes in her vulva, and her calf has grown so large her stomach distends, and the baby visibly kicks. All that is left to occur is that magical moment when the baby calf is ready to be born, and active labor begins.

It’s been quite a journey since the Inquisitr first reported on April the giraffe and the live webcam Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch set up on Feb. 10. At that time, it was believed that April’s labor was imminent, but the world learned that April has her own time frame for handling the miracles of life. April has experienced many signs of early labor such as experiencing discharge and pulsating from a swollen vulva. All signs indicate that labor will be soon and it’s possible that we are looking at a timeframe of days.

If you haven’t seen the live giraffe cam that has swept the world holding hundreds of thousands captive to April’s every movement, then you may watch it below. The live giraffe cam features April, and you can watch as she interacts with her mate Oliver, her handlers, and even her veterinarian Dr. Tim. Check the playlist for pertinent videos that will answer questions and give you a behind-the-scenes look at the Animal Adventure Park and __life for April and Oliver.

To say people are excited about April and the onset of active labor is an understatement. They are ecstatic. Many people are sharing their excitement on social media networks and can’t wait for that definitive moment when calf’s hooves are sticking out, and the announcement is made that active labor has finally begun. As of March 29, the Animal Adventure Park is only judging April’s progress by the condition of her teats. You may see a photo comparison of April’s teats and how they have enlarged and filled in preparation for active labor in the article below. According to the Giraffe Husbandry Manual, provided by the Australasian Zookeeping organization, once April’s teats are filled with milk, we can expect active labor within two days.

#Inquisitr April The Giraffe Baby Watch: New Photos Reveal Calf May Be Born Within Two

— ArtsMusicMovies (@ArtsMusicMovies) March 29, 2017

April The Giraffe Baby Watch: New Photos Reveal Calf May Be Born Within Two Days

Fear that people might miss April’s active labor and birth has been great. In fact, several organizations have attempted ways around this. For many of April’s followers, they chose to receive Facebook notifications so that when the Animal Adventure Park begins live streaming the birth via Facebook in addition to YouTube, they will receive a notification. Other methods include the development of apps. You can find out more about a new labor app that will notify people via email once active labor is confirmed and April’s calf’s hooves are sticking out. Keep in mind that giraffes have quick labors and deliveries and many people who want to see the birth live may miss it simply because it is a quiet and fast event. Those who miss the live birth will have a chance to relive the experience as it will be professionally documented on video.

About time

— Cynthia Stephan (@Typoqueen78) March 29, 2017

April The Giraffe Live: Active Labor App Will Notify Those On Baby Calf Watch

As the world prepares for April’s active labor, the viral aspect of the giraffe cam has helped the Animal Adventure Park make additional changes. In recent Animal Adventure Park news, it was announced they are expanding and acquiring more animals. You may see photos and videos of the AAP’s newest additions and even get a behind-the-scenes look at the park and the giraffe barn in the article below.

Animal Adventure Park Expands As Baby Watch, April The Giraffe Live Cam Go Viral via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 29, 2017

Animal Adventure Park Expands As Baby Watch, April The Giraffe Live Cam Go Viral

At this point, there is nothing left to do but wait for April’s active labor to begin. Are you ready to see those calf’s hooves hit the ground? Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

[Featured Image by PhotoStock-Israel/Shutterstock]

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