
March 30, 2017

Ohio Just Banned Sex With Animals Through New Bestiality Law

Ohio banned sex with animals with a controversial bestiality law. Sex with animals is supposed to be a mundane illicit act but it is only now that the state of Ohio is putting an ax on the act, or so it seems due to the enactment of the law.

Under Ohio's new bestiality law, offenders will face 90 days in jail and fined for $750. Reports say that the law has already been passed last year but it only took effect last week.

"It's a crime that defies explanation to the rational person," Mark Kumpf, director of the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center said in an interview with the Dayton Daily News. "We're dealing with a different species."

The bestiality law called Senate Bill 331 is already in effect today. The crime is categorized as a second-degree misdemeanor. If caught in the act, authorities have the right to arrest the person and impound the animal if the officer believes that the animal fell victim to the act.

The enactment of the new law wouldn't be pushed if not for the government officials who showed support for the bill.

"I think this is something that is sickening and perverse and we don't want Ohio to be the place you can come and have sex with an animal," Ohio senator Jim Hughes said in a statement.

Aside from the inhuman act covered under the bestiality law, a Virginia Police detective also mentions the dangers and risk of the deplorable act can bring to children.

Jeremy Hoffman said that those who engage in crimes against children also those involved in sexual crimes against animals. The police detective added that it is difficult to define the demographics since the offenders come from different walks of life.

Ohio is not the last to impose such law. There are other states with no law proclaiming sex with animals as unlawful including Washington D.C.

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