
March 8, 2017

Watch Penguins Live Streaming Online With Aquarium And Zoo Cams [Video]

Several aquariums and zoos have live streaming penguin cams that make excellent educational opportunities for young and old alike. The penguin cams featured in the video playlist directly below come from the California Academy of Sciences, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Aquarium of the Pacific, and the Saint Louis Zoo. Penguin cams feature both above and underwater footage, and penguin species include African, Gentoo, Humboldt, King, Southern Rockhopper, and Magellanic penguins that were rescued from Brazil. You can watch the penguin cams live online in the featured playlist and learn more about penguins in the videos below.

TODAY'S PENGUIN PIC: Cuverville Is. #Antarctica

— penguinpics (@penguinpics) February 27, 2017

The California Academy of Sciences operates three cams that monitor their African penguin colony and exhibit. The Academy features feedings twice per day and includes answer-and-question sessions with visitors to the exhibit. The feedings take place at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. PT, and you can listen and watch the events each day in the videos above. The three penguin cams include the colony views, the biologist view, and an underwater cam.

In addition to the three cams that you can watch online from the website or YouTube, the Academy has an app called Pocket Penguins. You can download the app for free on both Google Android and Apple platforms and watch the penguins 24/7, live streaming on your phone, tablet, or other mobile devices. Educators, homeschool teachers, and parents can find lesson plans, activities and more penguin learning resources at the official website.

"Gentoo penguin taking on waves like seasoned surfer…on shore of Bleaker island,The Falklands"#travel #photo by Elmar Weiss Via Telegraph

— lucie (@BendahanL) February 22, 2017

Also featured in the live streaming penguin cams are cameras from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Like the California Academy of Sciences, the Aquarium is located in California and also features cameras on their penguin exhibit. Monterey Bay also has daily penguin feedings and shows that coincide with those from the California Academy of Sciences. You can easily toggle between videos in the playlist and watch the live stream of your choice.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium also features African penguins and has an exhibit called the Splash Zone. You may see a video from the Monterey Bay Aquarium that discusses feeding time for a variety of marine animals. Penguin feeding times at the Monterey Bay Aquarium are 10:30 am. and 3 p.m. PT. Those who regularly tune into one of the live penguin cams will find they begin to recognize the penguins. Penguins are social creatures that bond for life, and many of the exhibits feature bonded pairs and families. Amigo is one of the aquarium’s youngest penguin members as he hatched on January 19, 2016. You can read a document introducing you to the penguins here.

Watch a video showing a newborn penguin who was born at the California Academy of Sciences in the video player below.

Watch a video from the Oregon Zoo where an endangered Humboldt penguin hatches from pip to live birth.

Here is another video of penguin chicks hatching at the Edinburgh Zoo.

Also featured in the live penguin cams are streaming videos from the Aquarium of the Pacific. In addition to their Penguin Beach cam and Penguin Habitat, they also feature the Magellanic penguin nest box where you can watch penguins interact with their young 24/7. The Aquarium of the Pacific is located in Long Beach, California. Educators will find that the official website provides plenty of resources to make learning about the Aquarium’s penguins a fun and exciting activity. There is a section titled “Meet the Penguins” that introduces the penguins housed in the exhibit by name and gives background information on them. You can learn more about Magellanic penguins and how the 20 penguins came to the Aquarium of the Pacific here.

The “Penguin and Puffin Coast” live cam featured in the playlist above comes from the Saint Louis Zoo, which is located in Missouri. The zoo features four penguin species in their exhibit, including Gentoo, Humboldt, King, and Southern Rockhopper. You can learn more about the featured penguin species here.

Watching live penguin cams is a great way to share the wonders of nature with children and are a valuable educational tool. You can tune in 24/7 and enjoy these amazing animals without leaving the comfort of home.

[Featured Image by Chuckstock/Shutterstock]

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