
April 10, 2017

April The Giraffe Labor Updates And Animal Adventure Park News: It’s All About The Udders, Watch Live Cam

April the giraffe is still pregnant and many people worldwide are asking why. There is one simple reason why the YouTube star hasn’t given birth yet: she isn’t ready. Due to misconception with April’s conception dates, the timeframe for giving birth has been readjusted multiple times. The last confusion began when it was believed that April’s udders had fully enlarged and were producing milk, but that wasn’t the case. According to the experts at the Australasian Zookeeping society, a giraffe’s udders enlarge 19 days before giving birth and milk production comes in two days before. April’s udders have enlarged but the timeframe for the 19-day countdown is just now coming to pass. Unfortunately for millions watching, this confusion has resulted in some becoming disillusioned about the excitement of watching April the giraffe give birth live online. For those who have followed the live YouTube giraffe cam since it started on Feb. 10, rest assured. According to the Animal Adventure Park (AAP) owner Jordan Patch, AAP staff, and even April’s veterinarian Dr. Tim, April is really pregnant and will really go into active labor soon. You can watch the Animal Adventure Park giraffe cam featuring April live streaming in the video playlist below.

According to the April 4 morning update, April’s back end continues to show signs of swelling which is in preparation for active labor, delivery, and birth. She hasn’t eaten as much as usual, which is also a common symptom noticed before many giraffe births. The Animal Adventure Park defines active labor as the appearance of calf’s hooves sticking out. Because the delivery can be very quick, many of the millions watching the live giraffe cam are worried they will miss the birth. The Animal Adventure Park now has a text alert system where subscribers may sign up for a fee and receive text alerts when April is in active labor. The text alert system will also provide exclusive behind-the-scenes content to subscribers who will receive the updates before the media and press.

The April 3 evening update contained similar information as the Tuesday morning update. April’s appetite has decreased and she continues to appear swollen. AAP staff, veterinarian Dr. Tim, and Jordan Patch joined millions worldwide in watching April, expecting her to go into labor at any moment. It didn’t happen. Since the Giraffe Husbandry Manual states on page 48 that active labor begins 19 days after the udders begin to enlarge, we at least know that we are in the 19-day countdown. April’s udders have definitely enlarged since mid-February. You may see photos of April’s udders below to compare their size.

“The teats start to enlarge about 19 days before parturition and milk production occurs about two days before (Reason 2000).”

The April 1 morning update showed new changes in April’s udders. These changes came after it was mistakenly believed that April’s udders had fully enlarged. The update also made note that April’s appetite was decreased. Though many are worried that April has been exhibiting signs of entering active labor for a long time, the veterinarian Dr. Tim continues to ensure the public that everything is fine and April is merely progressing on her own time frame.

“The vet has made his second visit of the day.
When we thought she could not ‘bag up’ further – she most certainly has.

“April is not touching her grain, but is accepting carrots.

“You may see her lifting each leg, pinning ears, dazing off, raising tail – those behaviors are what we want to see and expect to increase in frequency.”

Compare the photo of April’s udders above with these photos below. You’ll see there has been plenty of change, but as we are in a 19-day countdown, we shouldn’t be surprised that April’s active labor has been delayed.

Are you still watching the live giraffe cam? Are you looking forward to April giving birth online and are you prepared to wait a little longer? Please leave your questions and thoughts in the comments section below.

[Featured Image by Byelikova Oksana/Shutterstock]

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