
March 30, 2017

Drugged-Out Parrots Raid Poppy Fields in India for Opium Fix

Something strange is going on with the parrots in India. Wild parrots have been terrorizing the poppy fields, raiding the flowers for a dose of its addictive opium.

The birds wait patiently as the farmers cut open the flower pods to help it ripen, according to a report from Daily Mail. When the coast is clear, the cunning parrots descend to munch on the stalk below the pods, where much of the opium in the plant is located. They have learned to operate quietly, so the farmers are not alerted by their presence.

Before being spotted, the parrots fly back on the trees where they proceed to sleep for hours at a time after their drug binge and even occasionally falling to their death, a report from Mirror revealed.

Read Also: Feathered Fun: Kea Parrots Display Contagious Laughter, High-Five in the Air 

Wild parrots have been raiding the poppy fields of India since 2015 in Chhirrotgarh, Rajasthan, but recent months have the phenomenon escalating and spreading to different regions like Neemach, Madhya Pradesh 40 miles away. The situation has gotten so bad that the government's narcotics department have been issuing warnings to farmers, taking note of their decreased yield.

Opium farmer Sobharam Rathod said that parrots are swiping about ten percent of his crop.

"We have tried every trick possible to keep the birds at bay but these addicts keep coming back even at the risk of their life," he explained. "Like we keep an eye on them, but they also keep an eye on us. The moment you lower your guard the army of parrots silently swoop onto your field and take away the bulbs."

Some of the methods the farmers use to attempt scaring away the birds are firecrackers, tin drums and hurling stones at them. However, none of it has worked so far. Others have tried covering their poppy fields with nets, according to Odisha360.

Read Also: 61-Year-Old Man Contracts Rare Fatal Pneumonia from His Pet Parrots  

Do Gene Editing and Dogs Mix? Experts Weigh in on Genetic Editing for Breeding, Health

Is it about time we genetically engineer dogs? This is what David Ishee thinks as he started to make his way towards gene editing for stronger, healthier dogs. However, with regulations blocking his way, it will not be an easy quest.

Ishee told his story in Singularity Hub, where he explained that as a breeder from rural Mississippi, his mission was to try to "restore" dogs to their former glory.

His journey to make an ideal mastiff -- a "super" mastiff by today's standards -- took him eight years of breeding to make. This is a mastiff that's 150 to 170 pounds, dry-mouthed, tight-skinned, large-shouldered and free of health problems.

Centuries of inbreeding have left dog breeds with a lot of diseases because of a lack of genetic diversity and a limited gene pool. Ishee was inspired by a TED talk about genetic editing and proceeded to do it himself.

He was surprised that due to the freedom to "learn" genetic engineering, he actually made his own miniature genetic lab in his backyard with a kit and online-based DNA. He was surprised to realize that DNA sequencing and synthesis are starting to become cheaper. His construct last 2016 cost 23 cents per base pair, which was $1.30 last 2010.

However, his ideal dogs would have to wait as the FDA is becoming stricter with its guidelines on animals that are produced via genetic editing. They decided to classify the edited portion of the genome in the animal as a "veterinary" drug, which subjects the animal to the same regulations as new drugs for animals. The FDA statement acknowledged the benefits of the technology but its potential risks as well.

Unfortunately, his next project is now in conflict due to the policy. His new mission, to get rid of hyperuricemia in dalmatians, was put on hold. This disease is caused by a mutation in the SLC2A9 gene of dogs that leads to excess uric acid in the blood. This forms painful bladder stones and even cause the bladder itself to burst.

With usual methods, breeding would mean they have to wait for a positive mutation to randomly appear, and it could take years. New gene-editing methods like CRISPR could do it in just a few months.

Ishee believes corporations will not have a lot of problems in trying to create the "ideal" dogs. After all, if there was a way to rid dogs of diseases, why not? In fact, scientists in China have already gene-edited new beagles in 2015.

WATCH LIVE: Is April the Giraffe in Animal Adventure Park Really Pregnant? Calf's 'Quiet Spell' Sparks Interest

Baby watch continues as April the giraffe remains pregnant with her fourth calf.

April of Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York, instantly became a celebrity after a live stream of her pregnancy has attracted millions of viewers. More than six weeks after the live stream (see the Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Cam below) has been put up, April the giraffe's baby is still out of sight.

A few days ago, the calf had undergone a "quiet spell." As such, many people have been questioning whether April the giraffe's labor is just an April Fool's prank.

Despite that, the zoo assured that April is pregnant. In fact, after the quiet spell, the giraffe has shown interesting behaviors such as tail raising, the zoo claims.

"Her mammary development has continued to slowly increase. Photo in comments. This is Good! We do not expect any additional back end swell, so all judging is now done based on udder changes," Animal Adventure Park said on a Facebook post.

Recent update reported by CNET claims April the giraffe had a vet visit this Monday and the calf did not show any movement.

When April goes into labor, the baby's front hooves will be the first to come out, followed by the snout, the zoo says.

Meanwhile, once the calf is born, there will be a contest to name it. Fox 6 News said they will not rush the process of naturally raising the calf. Once the calf is ready, it will move on to another facility to start a breeding program there.

Giraffes carry their babies for just about 15 months. Unlike humans, they give birth in a standing position. A baby giraffe could be as tall as a human. According to National Geographic, they can live up to 25 years.

Giraffe population has been declining over the years and they are now listed as "vulnerable" to extinction primarily because of illegal hunting, habitat loss and changes through expanding agriculture and mining, increasing human-wildlife conflict, and civil unrest.

Almost a million people follow Animal Adventure Park's Facebook page for the latest news and updates on the world famous giraffe. Here's where you can watch April the giraffe give birth:

Ohio Just Banned Sex With Animals Through New Bestiality Law

Ohio banned sex with animals with a controversial bestiality law. Sex with animals is supposed to be a mundane illicit act but it is only now that the state of Ohio is putting an ax on the act, or so it seems due to the enactment of the law.

Under Ohio's new bestiality law, offenders will face 90 days in jail and fined for $750. Reports say that the law has already been passed last year but it only took effect last week.

"It's a crime that defies explanation to the rational person," Mark Kumpf, director of the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center said in an interview with the Dayton Daily News. "We're dealing with a different species."

The bestiality law called Senate Bill 331 is already in effect today. The crime is categorized as a second-degree misdemeanor. If caught in the act, authorities have the right to arrest the person and impound the animal if the officer believes that the animal fell victim to the act.

The enactment of the new law wouldn't be pushed if not for the government officials who showed support for the bill.

"I think this is something that is sickening and perverse and we don't want Ohio to be the place you can come and have sex with an animal," Ohio senator Jim Hughes said in a statement.

Aside from the inhuman act covered under the bestiality law, a Virginia Police detective also mentions the dangers and risk of the deplorable act can bring to children.

Jeremy Hoffman said that those who engage in crimes against children also those involved in sexual crimes against animals. The police detective added that it is difficult to define the demographics since the offenders come from different walks of life.

Ohio is not the last to impose such law. There are other states with no law proclaiming sex with animals as unlawful including Washington D.C.

Cats Actually Enjoy Spending Time With Their Owners, Study Shows

Despite having the reputation of always thinking how to kill their humans, a new study from Oregon State University revealed that cats actually enjoy being with their owners.

The study, published in the journal Behavioral Processes, showed that cats prefer spending time with their owners than eating food and playing with toys.

For the study, the researchers analyzed 50 cats. These cats were either living in a home or were spending time on shelters. The researchers left the cats without human interaction, food and toys for several hours. They then presented four different kinds of stimuli to the cat, including human interaction, toys, food and scent. They did these things to investigate domestic cat preferences at the individual and population level using a free operant preference assessment.

Read Also: Stop Worrying! 'Mind-Controlling' Parasites in Cats Will Not Make You Crazy, Study Reveals 

The researchers measured how much time a cat spend with each of the stimuli. They then presented the four stimuli at the same time and let the cat choose which one is their favorite. Surprisingly, about 50 percent of the cat chose human interaction over the three other stimuli. Following human interaction, 37 percent of the cats preferred food. The researchers observed the same results in pet and shelter populations.

Cats have a clear individual variability when it comes to their preferred stimuli. The researchers noted that owners could use their cat's preference as some kind of reinforcer or enrichment items if they want to train their cats. However, further research is still necessary to examine the effectiveness of using preferred stimuli as enrichment in applied settings. Additionally, future studies could also concentrate on the effects of the preferred stimuli to the cat's motivation to work.

According to APPA National Pet Owners Survey of the American Pet Products Association, about 42.9 million households in the United States own at least one cat in 2016, with an average of two cats per household. The estimated number of pet cats in the U.S. is 85.8 million.

Read Also: Purrrfect! Now There's a Perfume That Smells Like a Kitten's Neck

Animal Adventure Park Baby Watch: April the Giraffe Could Be Hours Away From Labor, Countdown to Calf Begins!

The long wait might soon be over as Animal Adventure Park in New York announced just hours ago that April the Giraffe could be giving birth soon.

According to the park's latest Facebook update, April the Giraffe's mammary development continues to progress. In a previous post on March 28, Animal Adventure Park explained that just before giving birth, giraffes' udders continue to fill up. But unlike cows and dogs who "bag up" before labor, giraffes' udders are " very subtle and tucked between the legs."

Despite the positive signs, Animal Adventure Park is not confirming anything at the moment, but park staff and a veterinarian are already on standby in case April the Giraffe goes into labor.

“We will not confirm active labor, but we do have discharge that would suggest the count down [sic] to calf has begun! Our team and vet are on standby. We could be hours away or days – so do not stop your day – but certainly don’t stop watching!" the animal park wrote on Facebook.

For weeks, April the Giraffe has continued to excite (and frustrate) the public. The giraffe's labor date, which was estimated to be mid-February, has been an anticipated one. In fact, a live stream was posted by the zoo to give baby watchers a firsthand view inside April's cage (watch the Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Cam below).

Jordan Patch, the owner of Animal Adventure Park, said in an interview with KVUE ABC that giraffes tend to hide signs of labor to avoid predators. This means that it'll be hard to tell if April the Giraffe is already contracting, and the only confirmation we'll see are actual hooves coming out of her rear.

Animal Adventure Park said that April the Giraffe's calf could be delivered quickly, within 30 to 60 minutes and will be 150 lbs and 6 feet tall. Upon giving birth, the calf will naturally fall from the mother's rear and must stand on its own feet without any human intervention. The park expects the baby to be nursed by April in the next 60 to 120 minutes after delivery.

Giraffes' gestation period lasts for around 15 months. April the Giraffe will wean her calf for six to 10 months before it will be moved to another facility to avoid incestuous mating. Regarding the calf's gender, Animal Adventure Park said their ultrasound equipment could not determine if April the Giraffe will be having a boy or a girl.

It's in the Genes: Study Discovers 79 Forms of Genetic Obesity, More Than Previously Thought

A new study led by researchers from McMaster University has shown that obesity comes in numerous forms, and most of them are linked to people's genes.

The study, published in the journal Obesity Reviews, noted that the researchers analyzed 161 papers plus two independent review of each paper and found 79 obesity syndromes reported in the studies. Previously, only 20 to 30 genetic conditions that can cause obesity have been thought to exist.

Live Science said an example of genetic obesity syndrome is a condition called Prader-Willi syndrome, which is associated with excessive hunger and abnormally large food intake that could make a person obese.

"The reason we studied this is very simple," David Meyre, senior author of the study published in Obesity Reviews told CNN. "Every time I was writing a research paper and I was describing what we knew about the genetics of obesity, I didn't have a reference."

"For the study, we focused on monogenic forms of obesity," said Meyre who explained that monogenic or "Mendelian" forms mean that you develop the disease once there is a single mutation.

"It's not that it increases your risk, it's 100% sure you develop the disease," he said.

Read Also: Obesity Hits Siberian Tribes for the First Time; Blame it on Instant Noodles  

According to the study, of the catalogued 79 syndromes, 43 have never been assigned a name while 22 are completely unknown to scientists, meaning they know nothing about the gene or the chromosome associated with them. Other syndromes involve intellectual disabilities and facial abnormalities.

The study highlights the commonness of faulty biological mechanism accountable for the onset of obesity.

Meyre said although genetic forms of obesity are relatively rare in the population, as in "one in a million" births, it is important to understand the genetics of obesity to better treat the disease, which is one of the most universal, chronic diseases in need of new strategies for medical treatment.

The World Health Organization data shows worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980 -- over 600 million adults were obese in 2014 while 41 million children under the age of five were overweight or obese.

Read Also: About 91 Million Children Worldwide May be Obese by 2025, Study Suggests

Scientists May Have Discovered Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cause in Mice

Scientists from McMaster University and Canada and their colleagues have found a direct link between gut-brain communication and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

The study, published in the journal Translational Medicine, observed how germ-free mice receiving fecal microbiota from patients with irritable bowel syndrome mimicked the IBS symptoms such as anxiety.

Premysl Bercik and colleagues from the university collected stool samples from patients with history of IBS and diarrhea for at least two years, as well as from five individuals for control, in order to test the guts of the germ-free mice. 

After three weeks, the researchers assessed the gut microbiota of the rodents and compared the bacterial profiles to those that were from the fecal samples of the individuals.

According to Science Daily, results showed startling differences between the bacteria that appeared in the germ-free mice weeks after they received bacteria from the patients that were diagnosed with IBS.

In the experiment's second phase, they tried to check if anxiety-like behaviors linked to IBS was transferred along with the gut microbes.

Interestingly, mice with IBS bacteria that didn't have anxiety symptoms didn't show the same behavior. However, mice with gut bacteria from patients with IBS and the same anxiety-like symptoms also showed the same behavior.

Sarkis Mazmanian, a professor at Caltech who was involved in the work, wrote to The Scientist that this is an interesting discovery, as it demonstrates the functionality of how bacteria from irritable bowel syndrome can actually induce gastrointestinal issues and anxiety associated with the syndrome.

However, this is also not too surprising for others, as it has been known for a time that different populations of microbes from mice can have different effects on the anxiety of the said animal.

Unfortunately, this study was not able to exactly identify the bacteria that was observed, and thus could not exactly determine if these bacteria can be directly involved in the behavior of IBS in humans.

WATCH LIVE: April the Giraffe in Animal Adventure Park Shows Signs of Labor; Will She Give Birth on April Fool's Day?

April the Giraffe at Animal Adventure Park has been keeping thousands anxiously waiting for her calf.

The baby chase has been going on for the last two months and everybody is just wondering when will April's baby come out, or will it ever come out?

Recent update from the Animal Adventure Park said April the Giraffe is getting close to finally giving birth. While it said that they will not "confirm" active labor, they have confirmed that the countdown to calf has commenced.

On Monday, Animal Adventure Parl said April's calf had become still, indicating a possible "calm before the storm." The quiet spell boggled the anxious spectators, which made them question if April the Giraffe is really pregnant. The livestream Giraffe Cam has been up for two months yet no calf has appeared until now.

A post by Mashable cited that April might just be an April Fool's Day prank.

The article read: "It just can't be a coincidence that April the Giraffe, the perpetually pregnant and viral video star, is named April and that April Fools' Day is coming up."

Mashable also mentioned that Animal Adventure Park had been reaping the benefits of the viral pregnant giraffe. They currently have an apparel store inspired by April the Giraffe and different companies, such as Toys R Us, sponsoring for them.

Meanwhile, Mirror cited that the gestation period of giraffe is 13 to 15 months and it is possible that April the Giraffe was in 13 months pregnant only when the Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Cam started.

April is about to approach her 15th month, and while theoretically she could give birth at any moment, vets and officials could not announce labor until hooves of the calf are visible.

Once April the Giraffe starts pushing, the front hooves of the calf will come out first followed by the snout. Giraffes give birth in a standing position.

As previously mentioned by Animal Adventure Park, the calf, which will be April's fourth but first with his fifth partner Oliver, will weigh around 150 pounds and will be about 6 feet tall at birth.

Here's where you can watch April the giraffe give birth:

March 29, 2017

April The Giraffe Birth Odds: Exact Birth Date And Baby Name Odds Update

April the giraffe has had the folks at Animal Adventure Park in New York, and people all around the world, captivated for weeks. When will April give birth? That question has been asked millions of times by the newly adopted fans of the lovable giraffe ever since April turned into an instant internet star back in February.

In case you aren’t familiar with April and her story here is the simple breakdown. According to FOX8, the Animal Adventure Park began live streaming April back on Feb. 23 as she is preparing to give birth. This will be April’s fourth calf and the first for the father, Oliver. The newborn is expected to weigh around 150 pounds and be approximately six feet tall at the time of the birth.

April the Giraffe Baby name prop bets
April’s newborn is expected to be delivered any day now. [Image by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images]

While all of this hoopla has brought great attention to New York’s Animal Adventure Park, it has also had animal lovers everywhere all a buzz as this highly anticipated live birth could take place at any time now.

When you realize you've been pregnant for 15 months and just want it to be over with

— April The Giraffe (@AprilTheGiraffe) March 16, 2017

It seems like April has developed quite the following since she has been streaming live. An estimated 139,000 viewers were watching the zoo’s official live stream in April’s pen on Tuesday and that number is expected to grow as reports are increasing that the time of the actual birth may happen as soon as this week.

The zoo posted a Tuesday morning update saying that they believe April could be “in the home stretch.”

While the date and time of when April will be giving birth is still not known, if you believe you may know the exact birth date or what the future baby giraffe’s name may be, you could cash in big time!

Yes, just like wagering on what Prince William and Kate may name their next baby, or what sex the child will be, April the giraffe prop bets are catching fire as well. indicates that wagering on the exact date that April will give birth along with what the newborn may be named is becoming quite a popular prop bet.

The odds of April the giraffe giving birth today (Wednesday, March 22) are listed at 5/1. The odds stay the same for Thursday, however, they go up dramatically for the remainder of the week. Friday is listed at 7/1, Saturday at 9/1, and Sunday’s odds jump to a whopping 14/1. With the way the odds increase by the day, Paddy Power sports book must believe that the birth is very coming soon.

April the Giraffe Baby name odds
What will April the giraffe’s baby be named? [Image by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images]

If April does not give birth before Monday, the odds dramatically drop for next week.

While wagering on this type of event may seem silly to many people, they have become very profitable for Paddy Power and for the lucky people who guess correctly.

The experts at Paddy Power sports book are known for posting the most outrageous prop bets, and now that the political season has ended, and no Royal Baby on the way, they have decided to join in on the April the giraffe fun!

“With no Royal Baby news to keep us entertained and with everyone talking about April the Giraffe we thought we’d offer odds on her new arrival.”

Even more popular than the prop bets on which date April’s baby will arrive, are the props on what the newborn will be named. The two current favorites are “March” and “April” which are both listed at 7/1. How about “Trump?” Yes, that name is actually on the odds board! “Donald” and “Trump” are the two long shots on the board at 25/1.

Below is a look at all of the current prop bets posted at Paddy Power sports book for April. What do you think April’s newborn giraffe will be named?

What will April’s baby be called?

  • 7/1 March
  • 7/1 April
  • 10/1 Allie
  • 12/1 Twist
  • 14/1 April Junior
  • 14/1 Oliver Junior
  • 16/1 May
  • 16/1 June
  • 25/1 Donald
  • 25/1 Trump
  • 25/1 New York

Will April the giraffe’s calf be a boy or a girl?

  • 5/6 Boy
  • 5/6 Girl

April the giraffe Exact Birth Date

  • 6/1 Tuesday March 21
  • 5/1 Wednesday March 22
  • 5/1 Thursday March 23
  • 7/1 Friday March 24
  • 9/1 Saturday March 25
  • 14/1 Sunday March 26
  • 5/6 Monday March 27 or later

[Image by Animal Adventure Park/Instagram]

Watch Adorable Puppies Via Live Cams On National Puppy Day And Every Day [Video]

March 23 is National Puppy Day, and it’s a great time to celebrate man’s best friend in its littlest form. Created by Colleen Paige, the observance not only celebrates the cute and adorable spirit of puppies but also promotes awareness regarding puppy mills. Instead of buying puppies from puppy mills, consider adopting rescue puppies and shelter dogs. In honor of National Puppy Day, we’ve gathered some wonderful live puppy cams from around the world that you can watch 24/7. Many no-kill shelters and rescue organizations are choosing to live stream video footage of their puppies. This helps to spread the word about puppies waiting to be adopted into a forever home and is a wonderful way to pass the time and simply celebrate the loyal and curious puppy. You can watch adorable puppies streaming live online in the following puppy cams.

There is a statement on the official National Puppy Day website regarding why Paige created the observance. You may read that statement below.

“National Puppy Day is a special day to celebrate the magic and unconditional love that puppies bring to our lives. But more importantly, it’s a day to help save orphaned puppies across the globe and educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills.”

Puppy mills are detrimental to the overall health and well-being of puppies. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), puppy mills focus more on the profit garnered from the rapid breeding and sale of dogs rather than a dog’s health, happiness, and well-being. With the over population of dogs in many communities becoming a growing concern, it is recommended to adopt dogs that are already here rather than support commercial businesses that engage in puppy mill practices. Many puppy mills do not provide proper socialization or veterinarian care for their animals.

HAPPY NATIONAL PUPPY DAY!!!! Adopt! Don't Shop. ???????? #NationalPuppyDay

— National Puppy Day™ (@Natl_PuppyDay) March 23, 2017

Puppies are loyal, playful creatures but as you can see by watching the live puppy cams above, they need to spend time with their mother. Puppies need to be properly weaned and socialized before they are ready for sale. Puppy mills often sell their puppies earlier than is recommended by most veterinarians. If you must buy a puppy, choose a breeder who has puppies at their home. This way you can view the environment the puppy was born in, as well as see how the puppy acts with people. Never buy a puppy younger than eight-weeks-old. Keep in mind that many puppy mills sell puppies at eight-weeks-old or younger, and that’s to a pet store, not for their permanent forever home. Many young puppies pass through many hands before finally being homed in a loving household. Unfortunately, for many puppy mill dogs, the damage is already done

It isn’t uncommon for people who buy puppies that have spent a long time in a pet store to find their puppy has some sort of emotional trauma or difficulties. Most puppies are kept in wire cages or crates in pet stores and puppy mills. This is unlike the puppy who is born to a breeder as those puppies often have more room to play freely. They are also better accustomed to human interaction. In a pet store or puppy mill environment, puppies must be controlled and contained. This slows down their process of learning and hinders their ability to build a trusting relationship with humans.

There are no legal standards that hold puppy mills accountable except for cases of verifiable and proven animal abuse. Because there are many loopholes that puppy mills fall through, it’s imperative that you only buy puppies from reputable breeders or adopt them from humane rescue organizations and no-kill shelters.

Are you going to celebrate National Puppy Day by adopting a puppy? Watch the live cams above and share your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.

[Featured Image by Fasndee/Shutterstock]

Animal Adventure Park: Comparing Photos Of April’s Udders, Watch Giraffe Cam

It’s March 23, and April the giraffe is still pregnant. While fans don’t know the exact day or hour she will deliver, there are physical changes April must undergo before active labor begins. These include changes to her belly and changes in her udders.

According to Australasian Zookeeping’s Giraffe Husbandry Manual (page 48), a giraffe’s udders will enlarge and become filled with milk approximately two days before going into active labor and giving birth. Since the Australasian Zookeeping uses a giraffe’s udders as a precursor for determining labor, the Inquisitr wanted to share photos and compare changes that April has experienced.

April is a 15-year-old reticulated giraffe who lives at the Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York, with her 5-year-old mate, Oliver (aka “Ollie”). AAP owner Jordan Patch set up a live stream of April’s giraffe stall to document and share her pregnancy and live birth with the world. More than a million people have watched the cam, contributing to the phenomenon that is April the giraffe. If you haven’t watched the live giraffe cam, you can do so in the video player below.

When April the giraffe first went viral, there were several misconceptions that permeated the media, and many of these were attributed to overzealous news outlets and general difficulty in determining a giraffe’s birthing window or due date. Additionally, April is the first pregnant giraffe that the Animal Adventure Park has in their care. As much as this is a learning experience for the public, it is also a learning experience for the staff.

Every time there is a change in April’s behavior or appearance, it is the first time the AAP staff has dealt with this. April’s pregnancy and subsequent active labor, delivery, and birth of her calf is not just a first for many watching the live cam, but for those at the Animal Adventure Park as well. It is rare that they would choose to share this experience with the world.

Toward the end of February, it was believed that April had shed the wax caps over her udders. This was significant because April must shed the wax caps and have milk before active labor begins. It was even suspected she may have been leaking milk. After being reevaluated and seeing some changes April has experienced, it was realized that she still had the wax caps and the condition of her udders did not indicate immediate or active labor. As of today, April’s wax caps are still present. Once they truly shed, viewers can look forward to the onset of active labor.

April The Giraffe: Wax Caps, Milk And Labor, Watch Animal Adventure Park Cam via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 23, 2017

On March 18, the Animal Adventure Park shared three photos, and their evening update compared and contrasted April’s belly and udders from previous photos. April’s udders had grown since previous reports and changes in April’s belly warranted a special visit from veterinarian Dr. Tim. April’s belly and udders continue to grow, but at this point, the wax caps are still present, and there are no indications that active labor will begin with the two-day timeframe suggested by the giraffe husbandry manual.

#ApriltheGiraffe April the giraffe latest labor updates and Animal Adventure Park News. Find out how April's…

— Holiday Helper (@HolidayHelperUS) March 23, 2017

If you compare the size of April’s udders in the photos posted on March 18, 2017, with the photos shared on March 12, 2017, you’ll see there is a noticeable difference. While the wax caps indicate she is not ready for immediate labor, there is no denying that April is moving in the right direction. According to the update, the change in a giraffe’s udders is a subtle one. Even taking that into consideration, viewers can see an obvious difference in size. Keep a look out for news that April has shed the wax caps, as then fans will really have an idea of how soon it will be until she enters active labor.

Although the last photo of April’s udders was posted on March 18, the Animal Adventure Park shared in their March 23 morning update that the wax caps are still present. You can see that update below.

Are you a fan of April? Are you watching the live giraffe cam? Stay tuned for more updates and news.

[Featured Image by Edwin Butter/Shutterstock]

Senators Declare War On Wolves, Putting Endangered Species At Risk In Midwest

A bipartisan group of five senators from Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have introduced a bill in the United States Senate to allow those three states and Michigan to self-manage their native gray wolf populations, bypassing current restrictions on hunting and trapping gray wolves, a species currently covered under the federal Endangered Species Act.

According to Backpacker, the bill is being referred to by environmental activists as the “War on Wolves Act, “ and it could have devastating consequences for native wolf populations in those states, especially in Wyoming. The last time Wyoming was allowed to manage its endangered gray wolf population was 2013. In that year, hunters and trappers in Wyoming were bound by regulations in only 15 percent of the state. In the remaining 85 percent of Wyoming, hunters could legally kill an unlimited number of wolves using any method of their choosing. In 2014, a federal judge deemed the state’s conservation rules insufficient and ordered Wyoming to protect the wolves in accordance with the Endangered Species Act.

Oppose the "#WarOnWolves" Act By Signing This Petition:

— A.B. (@PoliticalAnt) March 23, 2017

Environmental activist group, Earthjustice, released an official statement on the proposed “War on Wolves” law on its site.

“A new congress has resurfaced an old vendetta against imperiled wolves,” write Earthjustice Senior Legislative Counsel, Marjorie Mulhall. “If this legislation is signed into law, wolves in Wyoming will be subjected to unregulated killing across the vast majority of the state, and even on the borders of Yellowstone National Park numerous legal loopholes will authorize widespread wolf killing. Americans widely hailed the return of wolves to the Northern Rockies two decades ago as a triumph of the Endangered Species Act, but now this ‘War on Wolves Act’ would allow for the same unregulated killing that nearly wiped out the species in the first place.”

Here is why the ‘War On Wolves Act’ threatens MUCH more than just wolves

— Earthjustice (@Earthjustice) March 12, 2017

The Senator sponsoring the bill is Republican Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. The bill’s co-sponsors are Republicans John Barrasso and Michael Enzi of Wyoming and Democrats Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. The argument in support of the act rests on the belief that the wolf populations have successfully recovered in these areas and that hunting and trapping are needed to protect local livestock. According to Backpacker, L. David Mech, a senior scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, believes that the law will not lead to the gray wolves becoming further endangered, saying that the result will be “nothing consequential except fewer livestock and dogs killed.”

The Bill (S.164) was introduced in the Senate in January and has not yet come up for a vote and is not currently scheduled for a vote. Activists have begun the process of circulating online petitions to stop passage of the bill. Any bill that could potentially harm the existence of an animal believed to be endangered is certain to generate controversy and provoke an emotional response from environmentalists and animal advocates.

It would be a terrible thing if yet another species were to become extinct due to the excesses of human behavior. Many argue that the passage of this so-called “War on Wolves Act” will lead directly to putting the gray wolf species in danger. Others argue that their numbers have increased to sustainable levels and leaving their management to the states will do enough to prevent them from slipping back toward possible extinction. One can only hope that if the bill does manage to get passed in the Senate, that the states will do better to ensure the survival of the gray wolf species than they did in the past before the Endangered Species Act protections were put in place.

The War on Wolves Act threatens more than just #wolves via @Earthjustice

— M. Trazi Williams (@MTraziWilliams) March 13, 2017

[Featured Image by Allison Shelley/Getty Images]

Despite Weekend Births April The Giraffe Remains Adventure Park Star

The much anticipated arrival of April’s baby giraffe continues today after this weekend offered up a few births at the Animal Adventure Park, but a giraffe calf wasn’t one of them. April the giraffe has caught the nation’s attention as she waddles around her Adventure Park home getting ready to give birth to a baby giraffe any minute now. Despite three new births at her Animal Adventure Park home over the weekend, all eyes are on April and that baby giraffe that should be making its way into the world very soon.

“It’s not an exact science,” said the very patient veterinarian attempting to predict when April’s giraffe baby will enter the world. The veterinarian tending to mama giraffe’s pregnancy can’t pinpoint when the calf will come. Just like everyone else, the vet and the giraffe handlers will have to wait for nature to take its course.

In the evening report from Sunday night, the vet also noted that April’s behavior has been documented as “a little off” by the staff at Animal Adventure Park. NBC News cites that April’s handlers were reporting how April’s baby giraffe was “poking out of her side” at the end of last week. Their thoughts on that were “Holy Smokes!”

The anticipation is wild, as people take to the official Animal Adventure Park website to watch April the giraffe’s every move. The mama giraffe continues carrying her unborn “calf and belly toward the back,” according to Tucson News. This birth will make number four for April, but it is the first offspring for the baby daddy of this unborn giraffe.

Everyone is anticipating a “baby” giraffe, when April gives birth, but this baby will be anything but tiny. This newborn giraffe should weigh more than some full-grown adults weigh. April’s baby will be way too big for a crib at about 6-feet tall and approximately 150 pounds. Below is a picture of April’s mate for this pregnancy, his name is Oliver. Oliver will be a proud papa anytime soon.

While all eyes were on April during the days leading up to the birth of her calf, a couple of other animals gave birth at the Animal Adventure Park. Twin black belly Barbados lambs were born on Saturday, as well as another lamb, who came into the world on Monday.

As adorable as baby lambs tend to be, this still isn’t taking any of the attention away from April’s pending birth. The Animal Adventure Park began live-streaming April on February 23, via YouTube, according to Fox News. The video was removed for a while after animal rights activists flagged the video as “sexually explicit.” But it wasn’t down for too long and once it was restored, it gave the world back their window into April’s home. According to Tucson News, the park believes the flagging of the streaming video was a deed done by animal activists who are against zoos.

It is not easy keeping the interest of those at home watching April, as she moves slowly around her habitat. To mix things up a bit, a few clips have been posted with April playing with some new toys her handlers supplied her. According to the Tucson News, “tens of thousands of people have tuned in for days watching the reticulated giraffe walk around her pen and do very little else, waiting until she has the baby.”

While the latest reports on April indicate her belly is bigger than last week, so there’s no mistaking this giraffe is ready to deliver a calf sometime soon. After giving birth three times before, the giraffe looks like she’s taking this all in her stride. Now that the weather is getting warmer and the snow cover is melting at this upstate New York animal park, staff reports they will be offering the giraffes some outdoor time soon.

[Featured Image by Khaled Kazziha/AP Images]

April The Giraffe Labor Updates And Animal Adventure Park News, Watch Live Cam

It’s Sunday, March 19, 2017, and April the giraffe is still pregnant. All signs point to a delivery very soon, and though many milestones have been reached, there are some April must obtain before active labor begins. April is a 15-year-old Reticulated giraffe that lives in Harpursville, New York, at the Animal Adventure Park with her 5-year-old mate Oliver “Ollie.” In January, Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch set up a live stream on the giraffe stall. It was set up on YouTube and by the end of February became a viral sensation. All eyes have been on April the giraffe and waiting for her new baby. April is nearing the end of her pregnancy and the expectation is that active labor will begin and the baby calf will be delivered soon. You may watch the live giraffe cam in the video player below.

If you’ve waited since mid-February for April to have her calf, you aren’t alone. There’s a good reason why April is still pregnant and her baby calf hasn’t debuted. Giraffes are highly fertile animals and may conceive twice per month. There simply is no way to determine an exact due date for April’s calf. Instead, the Animal Adventure Park staff and veterinarian Dr. Tim observe her daily and make notice of any changes she may have. April’s undergone many changes, but still needs to shed the wax caps on her udders. As this is the park’s first pregnant giraffe, they are in new territory. Though February has come and gone, there is no question April is really pregnant and going to have her calf soon.

Still waiting for #ApriltheGiraffe to have her baby? You're not alone. Watch live cam #giraffe #giraffes #cams…

— Holiday Helper (@HolidayHelperUS) March 18, 2017

April The Giraffe Labor Updates And Animal Adventure Park News, Watch Live Cam

— Gina Lawriw (@GinaLawriw) March 19, 2017

On Sunday evening, March 19, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park shared the update that included a photo of April’s stomach. You could noticeably see where the calf was “sticking out.” There were no sudden changes to indicate active labor was imminent. AAP staff assured the public that though April is progressing, she was not in active labor. Many who watch the giraffe cam have been concerned for their safety due to inclement weather. Storm Stella ensured the giraffes remained indoors. As the giraffe barn is heated, there was no need to worry about the giraffes freezing. The Animal Adventure Park expressed in the update that the snow is melting and they hope April and Ollie can go outside soon.

On Sunday morning, March 19, 2017, the Animal Adventure Park provided an update regarding April the giraffe, her labor and the calf’s current condition. Things are great and the pregnancy is progressing exactly as it should. Here is the full post and a picture of April and Ollie fighting over a carrot.

The evening update for March 18, 2017, shared exciting news. We’ve been waiting to see three significant changes in April the giraffe. These include the baby dropping, her udders filling with milk and the wax caps shedding. The wax caps are still present, but a new photo included in the update show a definite change in April’s udders. They are large and growing. Her belly is changing. These changes signify active labor is not far off. Will April have her calf this week?

By March 18, April’s calf has grown so large, the baby was described as doing cartwheels. Also, April’s stomach is changing shape and looks more like an oval or egg. The baby is moving into position and it seems that April is fully aware of the calf growing inside her. Check out the picture of April nuzzling her belly along with the full posted update below.

The March 17, 2017, update revealed information that showed active labor was not far off, but definitely wasn’t happening that day. The calf was making tremendous movement and her handler Allysa described it as the calf doing karate. Yet, April had a voracious appetite and this is not something that happens before a giraffe enters active labor. When active labor begins, you’ll find that April drinks more water and significantly less food.

St. Patrick’s day was not going to bring a new baby, but everything moved along in a healthy manner. April continued to make changes but not enough to bring on active labor. You may see a cute photo of April and Oliver below.

Storm Stella descended upon New York and April’s calf didn’t seem to approve. She kicked up a storm herself, and many who watched the live giraffe cam thought labor might begin. It didn’t but a swollen vulva means active labor isn’t far off. Here is the full evening update as posted.

Viewers watching the live giraffe cam on March 16, 2017, were alerted to strange and unusual behavior. They were on the lookout to see if April would go into active labor. Unfortunately, there was no labor to begin. April was readjusting her position while trying to get comfortable. You may see the full update below.

Dr. Tim examined April on March 15, 2017, and stated that it was time to watch April for a belly drop. The baby had not yet shifted into a birthing position suitable for active labor. Here is the full update as shared by the Animal Adventure Park via Facebook.

Snow hit the Animal Adventure Park in a heavy way and fortunately, April didn’t go into active labor during Storm Stella. The day was spent shoveling snow and making sure the animals were safe and warm. You may read the full update as shared on Facebook below.

There were few changes in April on March 14, 2017, but all signs such as discharge ensure she is moving along. The main worry was that April might go into labor during Storm Stella, but she wasn’t ready for active labor and both April and the Animal Adventure Park were fine.

Many changes occurred in April on March 14, 2017. There were changes in her stomach, udders, vulva and discharge was present. April may be taking her time but she is definitely on the road to meeting her new calf. Check out the update below.

April The Giraffe Labor Updates: Discharge Seen, Watch Live Cam And Videos via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 14, 2017

Here is the full update as shared on the Animal Adventure Park Facebook page.

Everyone was on full alert hoping active labor would begin on March 13, 2017, but it was not to be. April not only had swelling in her vulva but also had discharge. It looked like she was ready but unfortunately, she is still preparing for active labor. You may read the full update including a photo of April the giraffe examining her backside below.

March 13, 2017, was a day filled with excitement. The AAP staff noticed changes at approximately 12:45 p.m. ET and thought they were significant enough they called in veterinarian Dr. Tim. Unfortunately, April was not in active labor but she is definitely on the way. You may see a photo of April and Ollie spending some bonding time together and read the full update below.

There was no calf to start off the week but April’s belly continued to grow. The baby was getting stronger and began kicking. You may read the full update below along with a picture of April’s first day at the Animal Adventure Park.

A cold front ensured that April and Oliver would be indoors on March 12, 2017. AAP staff also discussed changes in April’s udders and clarified that they were not filled with milk and the wax caps were present. The wax caps will shed from April’s udders several days before active labor begins. Those who watch the live giraffe cam began commenting on social media of significant calf movement at approximately 3 a.m. ET and 7 a.m. ET. You may read the full update with photos of April’s udders and the wax caps below.

Animal Adventure Park staff are waiting for milk to fill April’s udders. Once her milk comes in, she should go into labor within two days. The March 11 update included information regarding inclement weather and how they keep the giraffes indoors when it’s too cold to go outside You may read the full update below along with a picture of Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch feeding April and Ollie.

Have questions about April the giraffe and Animal Adventure Park? Jordan Patch has your answers.

Animal Adventure Park Taking Questions For Facebook Q&A, Watch Live Giraffe Cam

— Inquisitr News (@theinquisitr) March 16, 2017

Are you watching the live giraffe cam? Do you follow the latest news and updates from Animal Adventure Park regarding April the giraffe and her calf? Do you hope the calf is born this week?

[Featured Image by Mariia Masich/Shutterstock]

Southwest Florida Eagles Harriet, M15 And E9 Updates: Watch Bald Eagle Cam Live

It’s been a long, tiring and exciting week for the Southwest Florida eagles (SWFL) Harriet, M15, and E9. The bald eagles are located in North Fort Myers, Florida, and the live cam began streaming this year’s breeding season from Dick Pritchett’s private property in Oct 2016. Hundreds of thousands tuned in to watch the sole eaglet hatch on New Year’s eve. Named E9, it’s unclear whether the eaglet is a boy or girl, but the bird has captured the heart and attention of countless people worldwide. On March 14, 2017, E9 fell from the nest in what appeared to be a harrowing event that would have disastrous results. Instead, the independent, curious and strong-willed bird, took flight before making an impact with the ground, flew to the horse pasture, perched on a fence and had an adventure. Since E9’s accidental fledge, the eagle has learned to fly, continues to develop skills and leaves and returns to the nest at will. You may watch the SWFL eagle cam live streaming online in the video player below. There are three cams, and each shows a different angle and view of the pasture, the tree, and the nest.

E9 is no longer the little ball of fluff waiting to be fed by mother Harriet. Though E9 still enjoys his feeding time, he continues to grow in strength, beauty, and wisdom. Here are some photos and a video that shows E9’s wingspan, character traits and personality. The video was captured by YouTube user Lady Hawk from the live eagle cam.

When E9 fell from the tree on March 14, 2017, pandemonium spread across social media networks. Those who watched E9 from the beginning were petrified that something terrible would happen to the young bird. E9 not only survived the accident, but many of the eagle’s first moments were captured live on the eagle cam. There are many YouTube users who make videos that chronicle the SWFL eagle’s nest, but two video creators stand apart from the crowd. These are Lady Hawk and Wskrsnwings. Lady Hawk makes derivative videos from the live eagle cam, and Wskrsnwings visits the nest at ground level every day and captures her own footage. After E9 fell from the tree and explored the pasture, there was a brief moment where his or her whereabouts were unknown. Fear spread that E9 would be gone forever. Here are videos from March 14 that document E9’s accidental fledge.

The official Southwest Florida eagle cam shared photos and updates, when E9 slipped, fell and then accidentally fledged the nest. You may see how the drama unfolded in real time in the Southwest Florida eagle cam Facebook posts below.

Many viewers were relieved to see E9 fly to the pasture fence, perch and then explore the new surroundings. You may see video footage as it was captured during E9’s big adventure below.

E9 Fledges And Has An Accidental Adventure, Watch Live Eagle Cams And Videos via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 14, 2017

On March 15, 2017, E9 surpried people by returning to the nest. Many people experienced a worrisome, sleepless night as they feared for E9’s safety. E9 was practicing flying skills and could only travel short distances. After E9 was last seen flying into the trees, he or she was not seen. E9 spent the night away from the nest, and many feared the worst. E9 did not know how to hunt, had never interacted with predatory birds. What would happen to this young bald eagle out on his or her own for an entire night? Amazingly, the next day, E9 was seen in a tree, right across from the nest. The bald eagle’s instincts had kicked in, and E9 was fine. With a lot of vocals, E9 took a leap and flew back to the nest. But now that E9 had returned home, would he or she stay put? At 10 weeks old, E9 was not old enough to leave the nest permanently. Here are some wonderful videos captured by Wskrsnwings and Lady Hawk showing E9’s return to the nest. Notice how E9 braved the unknown to make the flight.

On March 16, 2017, E9 turned 75-days-old and continued to practice new flying, landing and perching skills. Now independent, E9 took two flights out of the nest and returned. M15 continued to bring food treats for E9, and though E9 is gaining in independence, he or she is still very much M15’s and Harriet’s eaglet. There is no keeping E9 down. Here are some videos captured on March 16 showing E9 flying and eating.

On March 17, 2017, Harriet attempted to teach E9 a new skill. Mastering flight and landing, E9 is growing into a big eagle. Comfortable branching and even sleeping on a branch like a grown eagle, Harriet tried to teach E9 how to eat while perched on a branch. There are many lessons for E9 this upcoming week. E9 will accompany Harriet and M15 on hunting and fishing trips, and it is only when E9 knows how to catch his or her own food that the eaglet will truly be ready for self-sufficiency. Here is a wonderful video by Lady Hawk showing E9 and Harriet showing the bald eagle lesson in action, unfortunately, E9 simply wasn’t interested in the lesson. Maybe he or she would rather be flying.

On March 18, 2017, E9 turned 11-weeks-old and what an adventure the eaglet has enjoyed. After falling out of the nest, learning how to fly and returning, E9 spent his or her birthday flying, playing with sticks and enjoying a birthday fish. Check out the videos by Wskrsnwings and Lady Hawk below.

E9 has had many adventures and experiences in the past week and on Sunday, March 19, 2017, explored the pond on Dick Pritchett’s property by walking on sand. This is a fishing spot for Harriet and M15, and E9 will learn how to fish there. Here are two wonderful videos captured by Lady Hawk and Wskrsnwings showing E9’s pond adventure.

There will be many new adventures for E9 this week, and Harriet’s and M15’s lessons continue. Are you watching the live bald eagle cam? Have you followed E9’s journey?

[Featured Image by Rocky Grimes/Shutterstock]

Pit Bulls Attack Women On A Beach

Two women from the South African coastal city of Durban were attacked by a pair of Pit Bulls. The Two women were walking their dogs on a Bluff beach when they were attacked by the Pit Bulls.

Debby Jessop-Hogg and another unnamed woman spent the night in a hospital and are now recovering from surgery. The two women were walking their spaniels on the beach in Durban on Friday Morning when the incident took place. The two pit bulls ran out of nowhere and attacked the two women and their dogs. One of the two dogs, named Abbi Gail, was bit on the lip by the pit bulls. Another dog, named Milli Mo, ran away after the incident and is still missing.

Debby’s sister, June Hessop, said that this has been a stressful situation for Debby and her family. Speaking with IOL, Debby said as follows.

“Everyone is still very stressed and tired and hot from the worry about my sister and from the search for the dog. Everyone is still out searching for Milli Mo and we hope to find her soon we would like people to keep an eye out for her.”

Caged Pitbull
Pit Bulls were originally bred to be fighting dogs. [Image by Sanit Fuangnakhon/Shutterstock]

Ceron Lennox, a spokeswoman for Paramedics Rescue Care, gave details on the women’s injuries, saying that both women had sustained bites on their shins. Lennox added that the two women were first stabilized at the scene of the attack before being transported to a hospital.

“The one injured dog was taken to a vet nearby for treatment. A second dog is still missing as it ran away from the attack. The two pitbulls ran away.”

Pit bulls were created by breeding bulldogs and terriers together. They were meant to be fighting dogs for blood sport, and as such were selectively bred to be aggressive and vicious. Today, a few hundred years later, such games are illegal, but the breed lives on, and with a bad reputation. Many people argue that pit bulls are not vicious breeds by birth and it is the owners of these dogs that lead them into becoming vicious. While it is true with any large/working breed of dogs that an inexperienced owner can lead it to becoming aggressive and vicious, incidents of aggression from pit bulls are more commonly reported than with other breeds, possibly owing to a bad reputation.

Pit Bull attacks smaller dog
Incidents such as these contribute to giving the otherwise gentle breed a bad rep. [Image by Adya/Shutterstock]

The United Kennel Club describes the characteristics of the pit bull as the following.

“The essential characteristics of the Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. PBTs make excellent family companions and have always been noted for their love of children. Because most PBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and because of its powerful physique, the PBT requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train the dog. The breed’s natural agility makes it one of the most capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for this breed. The PBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work.”

While many pit bulls are gentle and happy family dogs, incidents such as these have led to several countries around the world and some states in the U.S. to impose restrictions and in some cases outright bans on the ownership of the breed.

[Featured Image by Audrey Lohkamp/Shutterstock]

Animal Adventure Park: Wax Caps ‘Thinning,’ Pre-Dawn Birth For April’s Calf?

Animal Adventure Park in New York has given us a ton of new information to work with during their live chat on YouTube on Monday night. Staff members took questions from fans who tuned into the Q&A session, which the zoo has been doing Sunday-Thursday from 8 to 9:30 p.m. EST.

While people all over the world are watching and waiting for April the giraffe to give birth to her fourth calf, the zoo is doing its best to keep people up to speed on what’s going on and teaching them about giraffes too!

Animal Adventure Park has confirmed that April the giraffe is not yet in labor but that she is showing plenty of signs to let them know that she is close to welcoming her calf. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, there are quite a few things that zookeepers and Animal Adventure Park staff are keeping a close eye on these days.

Happy Spring! No pressure April, but April the month isn’t that far away. Keeper report is that belly/baby continue to stay towards the back end. Observation over night peaked our interest a few times, but nothing to report just yet. April is eating but not as ravenous as much as before. #aprilthegiraffe #animaladventure #animaladventurepark #aprilviewcrew #giraffewatch2017

A post shared by Animal Adventure Park (@animaladventurepark) on

If you have been watching the live YouTube feed, you have probably noticed that April’s belly has gotten much bigger and her calf has been moving around quite a bit lately. This is very typical at the end of a giraffe’s pregnancy and suggests that April is just about full-term (a giraffe carries its offspring for 15 months). In the coming days, the giraffe calf will continue to move around and eventually will get into position to be born.

Animal Adventure Park personnel are also closely watching the wax caps on April’s udders. Usually, a mama giraffe will shed these caps before giving birth so that her calf will be able to nurse once it is born. While these caps don’t always fall off (sometimes a baby giraffe will take them off while sucking), Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch let fans know that April’s caps are “thinning.” This is definitely a sign that she’s getting ready for her baby!

Another interesting question that was asked during Monday night’s Q&A had to do with the time of day a giraffe generally gives birth. While you might think that nature just does its thing, Jordan Patch actually said that calves tend to be born “pre-dawn.” So, you know what that means! All of you night owls (or people watching in other parts of the world) may get really lucky one of these early mornings!

A post shared by Animal Adventure Park (@animaladventurepark) on

Animal Adventure Park posted their Monday evening update on Facebook just moments ago. The zoo decided to post the vet report, which fans have been asking about. Check it out below!

“April Update – still happy, still healthy, still not in labor. Predicting these things is next to impossible, so I go by physical and behavioral changes that the staff and I observe each day. In theory, that helps us kind of hone in on a window where she could go into labor… unlike a dog, cat, human, horse, cow, goat, etc there simply isn’t enough consistent data to say tomorrow she’ll go into labor. When you are working with a world-wide spectacle you can imagine how aggravating that is. So today not much in the physical change department but behaviorally she is a little off. She didn’t come running over when I got there and took a bit of coaxing to kiss the camera for carrots after my visit.”

Animal Adventure Park also told followers that enrichment items will be added to April’s enclosure on Tuesday morning and encouraged everyone to watch the live feed in the morning around 10 a.m. EST.

Have you been watching April the giraffe? Are you glued to the Animal Adventure Park’s YouTube feed 24/7? Let us know!

[Featured Image by Animal Adventure Park/Instagram]

National Puppy Day 2017: Celebrate Man’s Best Friend Today

Today is National Puppy Day! That means brace yourself fellow dog lovers, the internet is about to get an overflow of puppies, puppy selfies, and puppies gone wild! While today was created to honor puppies around the country, there is much more to National Puppy Day than meets the eye.

National Puppy Day is Thursday, March 23rd! Mark your calendars! Follow @natl_puppyday #nationalpuppyday #puppyday #adoptdontshop #puppy

— Colleen Paige (@Colleen_Paige) March 21, 2017

CBS indicates that National Puppy Day is celebrated every year on March 23, and was created by pet lifestyle expert and activist Colleen Paige. Paige has also created many other holidays to honor animals including National Cat Day and National Dog Day.

According to the official National Puppy Day website, National Puppy Day is a special day to celebrate the magic and unconditional love that puppies bring to our lives, but Paige also wants to continue drawing attention to help save puppies in need and help educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills.

HAPPY NATIONAL PUPPY DAY!!!! Adopt! Don't Shop. ???????? #NationalPuppyDay

— National Puppy Day™ (@Natl_PuppyDay) March 23, 2017

Founded in 2006, National Puppy Day has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Now heading into year 11 of existence, National Puppy Day is growing in popularity every year thanks to fellow animal lovers spreading the news over social media. With the motto “Adopt! Don’t Shop!” being one of the driving forces behind National Puppy Day, unfortunately, many pet owners looking to add to their family still have to be on the lookout for possible scammers.

KPQ reports that while many folks are excited to add a new furry best friend to their family, you have to keep your guard up when it comes to purchasing a new pet.

“It’s a pretty common scam that we see where people are targeting pet shoppers and scamming them out of their money but they never really end up with their dog,” said Veronica Craker of the Better Business Bureau.

Craker added that it is always important to do your homework when you are planning to purchase or adopt a new dog.

national puppy day adoption
National Puppy Day is the perfect opportunity to adopt that puppy you have always wanted! [Image by China Photos/Getty Images]

Two key tips Cracker added are to always investigate the website or adoption service to verify that it’s a good business, and always pay any advanced fees (if there are any) through your credit card if possible. The credit card statement provides proof, unlike cash that may possibly never have a chance to be recovered later if you are left with just excuses instead of the pet of your dreams.

Craker, like Paige, also noted that you can find many great dogs to adopt at your local shelter or humane society and you should start off your journey there instead of at the local pet store.

“They will be able to find a dog that fits your personality so that way it’s a forever home and not just something you will want to return later.”

So how can you make a difference this National Puppy Day? That’s simple and fun!

First and foremost, if possible, you can adopt a puppy from your local shelter, rescue or pure breed rescue organization. Not only will you be giving a puppy a great home, at the same time you will be picking up your new best friend!

 national puppy day
Celebrate National Puppy Day with your dog today! [Image by Matt Cardy/Getty Images]

If you just can’t adopt at this time, you could still help out at your local shelter by donating money, food, and toys, or even your time. Shelters are always looking for a helping hand, even if it is just for an hour or two.

Last but not least, if you already have a puppy or grown dog for that matter, shower them with gifts today. Take your pup for an extra long walk this evening or stop off on the way home from work and purchase a new toy or an extra treat or two just to let them know today is National Puppy Day!

For more ideas on how to celebrate National Puppy Day be sure to click here.

[Featured Image by Scott Barbour/Getty Images]

Sick Dogs Prompt Blue Buffalo & WellPet Recalls: Potential Hormones In Dog Food

Complaints about sick dogs have prompted a nationwide recall on specific dog food products from WellPet LLC and the Blue Buffalo Co. this week. The potential of excessive levels of beef thyroid hormone in specific dog food products is believed to be the culprit. The FDA embarked on an investigation after they received reports of pets getting sick.

The FDA investigation revealed the potential for one specific product lot from Blue Buffalo and one specific product lot from WellPet to have “elevated levels of naturally occurring beef thyroid hormone.” According to Food Safety News, the beef thyroid getting into the dog food can cause the same effects as an overactive thyroid. The symptoms include increased thirst and increased urination, along with the dog becoming restless. The thyroid hormone can also cause weight loss and an increased heart rate in your dog.

Blue Buffalo Dog Food #Recall Event Number 2 of March 2017

— 1-800-PetMeds® (@1800PetMeds) March 20, 2017

Too much exposure to the beef thyroid hormone can also cause your dog to have difficulty breathing and experience vomiting and diarrhea. Again, this latest recall is very specific and entails only two products; one from Blue Buffalo and the other from PetWell. According to Food Safety News, “The investigation revealed the potential “…for elevated levels of naturally occurring beef thyroid hormone” in these products, according to the recall notices.”

#RECALL: WellPet recalls dog food topper for thyroid hormone #petfood

— Petfood Industry (@petfoodindustry) March 21, 2017

The recall includes the Blue Buffalo and WellPet products, which are both listed below.

  • WellPet has recalled “Wellness 95% Beef Topper for Dogs.” This dog food comes in 13.2-ounce cans, and it is stamped on the bottom of the cans with best-by dates of “02 FEB 19,” “29 AUG 19,” and “30 AUG 19.”
  • Blue Buffalo has recalled “Blue Wilderness Rocky Mountain Recipe Red Meat Dinner Wet Food for Adult Dogs.” This comes in 12.6-ounce cans. The UPC number of the recalled group is 840243101153. On the bottom of the cans, you will find a best-by date of June 7, 2019.

Another #petfood #recall … Blue Buffalo, Wellness announce pet food recalls for elevated thyroid levels

— LP Weeth, DVM, DACVN (@nutritionvet) March 18, 2017

So, how did this excess thyroid hormone potentially get into the dog food? Consuming an excessive amount of beef thyroid hormone can affect people as well as dogs, and it did up until the mid-1980s. Back in 1984 and 1985, the FDA investigated an outbreak of thyrotoxicosis that affected 121 people. The people sickened with this condition lived in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota, according to Medscape.

Up until this time outbreaks of this condition were thought to lead back to nutritional factors, but it wasn’t until the 1984-1985 outbreak that it was traced back to a source in a meat plant. In the 80’s outbreak, they realized the problem was related to the way the meat was trimmed at that plant. Harvesting the meat around the larynx of the cattle can result in portions of the thyroid being cut that is attached to that meat.

The meat plant in question back in the 80’s employed a gullet trimmer to harvest the meat around the larynx and parts of the thyroid were included in these trimmings that were used for human consumption. This is what was believed to cause the human outbreak of thyrotoxicosis.

This event caused the U.S. Department of Agriculture to ban the gullet trimmings for pork and beef that are intended for human consumption. There is no such ban when it comes to pet food today, which explains how this could happen even when the company is following all the rules and regulations set forth by the government for dog food.

According to Food Safety News, the FDA received one complaint about a dog being sickened that was associated with the recalled Blue Buffalo product and three associated with the specific dog food product that was recalled by WellPet.

Both Blue Buffalo and WellPet dog foods are manufactured in New England. Blue Buffalo Co. is out of Wilton, Connecticut, and WellPet is a state away with it’s home in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. While made in New England, these products were distributed nationwide. They were sold online and in pet specialty stores such as Pet Food Express and PetSmart. Both these popular stores have the recall notices posted on their websites today.

[Featured Image by Jacquelyn Martin/AP Images]

Animal Adventure Park Live Feed: April The Giraffe’s Baby Is ‘Sticking Out’

Animal Adventure Park has posted their evening update about April the giraffe. The zookeepers have noticed some significant changes and say that April has made great progress in these last few days (week?) of her pregnancy.

Each day, zoo personnel have been keeping a close eye on their internet star and have been sharing updates on their social media accounts. AAP has also been holding live Q&A sessions on YouTube and Facebook to interact with April’s thousands of fans.The Animal Adventure Park Facebook page is the best way to keep tabs on April the giraffe and to get the very latest information about her current state. So far, April is progressing — albeit slowly — but she still is not in labor.

The Animal Adventure Park Facebook page is the best way to keep tabs on April the giraffe and to get the very latest information about her current state.

A post shared by Animal Adventure Park (@animaladventurepark) on

Animal Adventure Park workers have noted that April’s calf has been very active over the past few days. This weekend was no different for the baby, who has moved quite a bit and is now “sticking out” of his or her mom’s side!

“Keeper report is ‘holy smokes’ baby is sticking out. It is very evident in visual observations that the calf is moving up and sticking out! All are happy with [her] progress. We are not in labor at this time,” read the evening update posted on Animal Adventure Park’s Facebook page around 10 p.m. EST.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Animal Adventure Park is waiting for a few things to happen before they can confirm that April the giraffe is in labor. While the baby’s position is certainly key, there are also a few other ways to tell if a giraffe is ready to give birth. For starters, April’s water will break before she welcomes her fourth baby. It is unknown if that will be visible to the thousands of folks watching the live stream, but it could be.

Since giraffes are really good at hiding any sort of distress, it is possible that the public won’t be able to tell that April is in labor until the zoo’s veterinary staff confirms it. One thing that they will be looking for is the point at which the wax caps fall off her udders. This often happens just before birth as a giraffe’s body prepares itself for a soon-to-be suckling baby.

A post shared by Animal Adventure Park (@animaladventurepark) on

Animal Adventure Park personnel and vets will also be looking for April to show signs of contractions. These may look like “normal” belly movements to the untrained eye but should be clear to those who work with these animals on a regular basis.

April the giraffe may also lose her appetite before going into labor, which is another thing to look out for over the next few days. Animal Adventure Park has noted that she has been eating up a storm lately so that labor “sign” hasn’t happened just yet.

As for when April’s calf will be born, your guess is as good as the next person’s. Animal Adventure Park has said that they are unsure of an exact due date but have ensured the public that April will more than likely be going into labor soon. The term that we’ve heard them use repeatedly is “close.”

When do you think April will welcome her calf? Are you excited to watch her give birth live? Let us know in the comments section below.

[Featured Image by Animal Adventure Park/Instagram]

April The Giraffe Labor Updates And Animal Adventure Park Latest, Watch Live Cam

It’s March 22, 2017, and April the giraffe is still a viral sensation. She’s also still pregnant. We’ve heard that she’s nearing the end of her pregnancy, but at this point, we must remember that patience is a virtue. April will give birth the minute her calf is ready to be born and not one minute sooner. Fortunately, the Animal Adventure Park (AAP) provides regular updates to let the public know just how close April is to active labor. At this point, there have been no significant changes to indicate active labor will being tonight. April is meeting all the milestones of a healthy pregnancy and her body is making the changes necessary to ensure a successful delivery. April is a 15-year-old Reticulated giraffe who lives at the Animal Adventure Park located in Harpursville, New York with her 5-year-old mate Oliver “Ollie.” The park has streamed a live cam directly from April’s giraffe stall and you can watch it in the video player below.

April The Giraffe Labor Updates: Got Milk? Watch Animal Adventure Park Cam Live via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 21, 2017

#ApriltheGiraffe Do you love April and Ollie? Check out these free adult coloring pictures you can download right…

— Holiday Helper (@HolidayHelperUS) March 22, 2017

Animal Adventure Park: Video Updates After April The Giraffe Gives Birth, No Cam via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 22, 2017

The Wednesday night evening update for March 22, 2017, featured a photo of the Animal Adventure Park’s pygmy goat that just gave birth to twins. There are plenty of animals born at the park year round, but all eyes are on April. Also discussed was the new sponsorship by Toys R Us and April’s moodiness. There were no significant changes to indicate immediate labor. You may read the full post and view a photo of the pygmy goat and her twins below.

Wednesday afternoon brought a special update after April and Oliver nearly broke the Internet for trying to escape their giraffe barn. You can read the full update below. The post didn’t mention any specific changes in April that would indicate active labor.

The Animal Adventure Park has recently described April as moody, cranky, and off. Behavioral changes are a sign that a giraffe may go into active labor. At this point, it is unclear why she is experiencing these changes. You may read the Wednesday morning update for March 22, 2017, below. Staff will keep a close watch on April and check for any other physical, emotional or behavior changes.

On March 21, 2017, the evening update included a photo of April and Allysa nuzzling together. There were no changes in April’s status and she did not enter active labor.

The Tuesday morning update for March 21, 2017, included an AAP photo of Oliver’s first day at the Animal Adventure Park. You may see a photo of Aprils first day at the park in the March 13 morning update below.

The Monday evening update for March 20, 2017, described new enrichment toys and feeders April and Oliver would get. They did receive their new toys but Oliver quickly broke his. Dr. Tim said April is a healthy, happy giraffe, but was not in active labor.

The March 20, 2017, Monday morning update described April’s belly as shifting weight to the backend. Still, there were no significant changes indicating April would go into immediate labor. She is on the right track, though.

The March 19 Sunday evening update included a photo of the baby pressing a hoof or joint against April’s belly. April continues to make progress but is not ready for active labor at this moment.

The March 19 Sunday morning update stated that April’s udders still contained wax caps. Wax caps must shed and the udders must fill with milk before active labor begins.

Compare the photos of April’s belly in the March 18 evening update with those below. Also, compare the size of her udders with the March 12 update. April is progressing.

The March 18 morning update shared a cute photo of April sleeping with her neck wrapped around her belly and her head resting in a safe position.

In the March 17 evening update, the calf was described as a master of karate. The photo below shows April spraying herself with her hay. There were no significant changes to report and April did not go into active labor.

The morning update for St. Patrick’s Day March 17 was late. It was a lucky day for everyone as the Animal Adventure Park withstood Storm Stella.

The March 16 evening update showed photos of Storm Stella’s aftermath. The Animal Adventure Park spent a great deal of time clearing walkways, shoveling snow and ensuring the animals were safe and warm. April continued to experience stronger kicks from the calf.

Jordan Patch, Animal Adventure Park owner, answered viewer’s questions via a Facebook Q&A on March 16. You may watch that video below.

The Thursday morning March 16 update discussed April’s unusual behavior. Though behavioral changes are a sign of active labor for a giraffe, she wasn’t in labor and the wait for her to give birth live online continues.

During the March 15 evening update, it was learned that April’s behavior resulted in AAP staff spending the night at the park. April was not in labor and the staff turned their attentions to cleaning up Stella’s aftermath.

In the March 15 morning update, the Animal Adventure Park warned Storm Stella might cut off the live feed to the giraffe cam. It did. But April, Oliver, and the other AAP animals were kept safe and warm.

In the March 14 evening update, it was learned that April was near the end of her pregnancy. She has experienced many symptoms associated with active labor; however, she was not in active labor.

April The Giraffe Labor Updates: Discharge Seen, Watch Live Cam And Videos via Charisse Van Horn

— All Trends IT (@All_Trends_IT) March 14, 2017

During the night, AAP staff checked on April thinking the giraffe might be in active labor. An account of the incident was shared in the March 14 morning update. The activity subsided and April was not in early labor.

The Animal Adventure Park announced active labor was close and people went crazy. Maybe we could call March 13 April Fool’s Day because she fooled many into thinking she was in labor. April wasn’t in labor and the evening update came and left. The AAP aren’t calling active labor until they see hooves sticking out.

A special update was issued on March 13, 2017, during mid-day after many people observed April exhibiting strange positioning and posturing. Tough many suspected active labor and the veterinarian Dr. Tim was called, it was a false alarm.

Here is a photo of April on her first day at Animal Adventure Park as shared in the March 13 morning update. Don’t miss the March 21 update and photo of Oliver’s first day.

The March 12 morning update featured a photo of April’s udders. Compare it with the photo in the March 18 update and you’ll see how much progress April has made.

Are you watching April the giraffe via the live cam? Are you excited to witness a giraffe born live online? Stay tuned for more labor news and updates.

[Featured Image by Kromka/Shutterstock]